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Thursday, June 7, 2012

the Social and Cultural Values in Novel Morning, Noon, and Night by Sidney Sheldon


A.  Background of the Study
Living in a society is never without problems. Life will become more complicated as more problems appear. Social, political, and economical problems cannot be avoided. Neither can the problems exist in society. Social problems may appear and become a burden which creates and reveals many other problems. It is even not impossible that the problems can cause a decrease in the morality of the people in society.
All these problems need solutions; they need at least to be minimized. For this, some appropriate tools are needed. The tools are to make a just and peaceful society and make people live in morally-better life or, in short, to enlighten the “sick society”. The tools can be religious improvement, educational development, moral teaching, message and wisdom conveyance, etc.
Literature is a tool which can be used to make the society live in a better condition. It does not only offer pleasure to enjoy but it is also often made or written with an objective. A literary work often contains many messages, moral values, or even a philosophy of life which has great values to be taken. Intelligent readers who want to get such content must read and understand the work firstly.
Literature is not only written to be read for pleasure but also to broaden, deepen, and sharpen the readers awareness of life. It enables them to understand their troubles because the purpose of literature is not only for furnishing entertainment but also for seeing, feeling, and understanding life, human being and nature better (Koesnosoebotro, 1998, p.4). It is not impossible, for example, after reading a novel, readers can get many advantages such as a message, wisdom, or a good philosophy of life which can bring them a better life. As the objective is pleasure and understanding, therefore, literature makes the readers understand the reality of life better. They may get benefit from reading a literary work by using these messages to improve their way of life.
Among literary works, novels are easier to read and understand than poems or plays. It can be seen in the way the writer expresses the ideas, issues, and the languages used is also easier and, therefore, novels are more understandable. Besides, a novel often describes the life of certain people at certain time which makes it challenging and interesting to know. It gives not only amusement to enjoy but also reflection of life to understand. As Harmon (2003, p.57) states, “it necessarily follows that novel, which makes good its pretension of giving a perfectly correct picture of common life, becomes a far more instructive work than one of equal or superior merit of the other class. It guides the judgment and supplies a kind of artificial experience.”
As a form of fiction, a novel sometimes tells a life that is written on the basis of the experiences of a member of society or as a society observer. With this assumption as a basis, it is possible that in the novel some values teaching in life can be found. The values can be those which exist in real life and are still believed to be true and become something “noble” to be realized in real life. The values are presented by the author usually through the characters may be related to the moral values, educational values, or religious values.
As an effect of it, readers can get more knowledge, information, or experience. Another aim may be that the author wants to describe a situation or condition in a certain society at a certain time. Very often, however, in writing a novel an author gives no teaching, description, explanation, or persuasion. He/she does not have other intention to do than merely to give pleasure or entertainment to enjoy. And inevitable novel is very useful as one of the tools to make people live in a better condition based on the novel’s descriptions of life or novel’s influence and the experience which is given by the author who live in certain societies because in writing a novel, a writer is often influenced by the lives around her/him. It is possible for the writer to describe or portray the life in the society where he/she lives. With his/her capability in telling a story, he/she is able to describe the real situation just like what it is. So, when the readers compare the content of the novel and the reality, they can find a similarity between the content of the novel and the reality.
In this case, the present researcher is interested with Sidney Sheldon’ novel entitled Morning, Noon, and Night. He wants to conduct an investigation entitled “Analysis of Social and Cultural Values in Novel Morning, Noon, and Night by Sidney Sheldon”.

B.   Focus of the Study
In analyzing Morning, Noon, and Night, the present researcher focuses only on the problems are identified above. It concerns with the Social and Cultural Values in Novel Morning, Noon, and Night by Sidney Sheldon.

C.   Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the problem above, the present researcher formulates the problem as follow: “What are the Social and Cultural Values in Novel Morning, Noon, and Night by Sidney Sheldon?
D.   Purpose of the Study
In accordance with focus of the study above, the purpose of the study aims to reveal Social and Cultural Values in Novel Morning, Noon, and Night by Sidney Sheldon.

E.  Significance of the Study
The result of this study is expected to be useful either theoretically and practically.
1.    Theoretically
a.   The good values in this novel can be the example for the readers; and hopefully the readers can live in better life.
b.  The results of this study are hoped that this study can encourage the readers to read novels, especially Morning, Noon, and Night.
2.     Practically
a.       The results of this study are expected to be used for the readers as a medium of education and as a model for learning and analyzing the literary.
b.      The results of this study are hoped that it can develop a critical attitude among the readers in observing and understanding the values presented in novel Morning, Noon, and Night.

A.   Definition of Novel
The word “novel”, according to Hartoko and Rahmanto (1986, p.163), comes from the Latin novella which means “new”. And indeed, the novel is relatively new because, compared to any other literary works like poetry or drama, the novel comes after. Unlike the major literary forms--drama, lyric, ballad, and epic-the novel is a relative newcomer. Novel is one example of imaginative or fiction literary works. It is used in its broadest sense to designate any extended prose narrative fiction. In practice, however, it is used in customarily restricted to narrative in which the representation of character occurs either in static condition or in the process of development as the result of event or actions (Holman & Harmon, 1986, p.23).
Tylor (1981, p.46) states that “novel is a prose work of quite some length and complexity, which attempts to reflect and express something about the quality of values of human experience or conduct. It is subject matter may be taken from patterns of life as we know it or set in an exotic and imaginative time and place”.
Kenedy (1979, p.231) states that the English novel came to maturity in literature times in the eighteenth century, and by its nature was something different: a story to be communicated silently, at any moment and any place (whether quickly or slowly and meditatively) that the reader desired.
The novel is one of the largest of literary forms. Little (1966, p.101) states that an obvious feature of the novel is its length. The average novel runs to some 300 pages. Other literary works are briefer. In this relation, Koesnosubroto (1988, p.19) states that the full length of a novel may consist of over 100,000 words, and it contains a number of characters. Some of them are more fully developed, have more incidents, scenes, or episodes, have a number of settings and may take place in a long span of time.
The content of the novel may be different according to its writer. It can contain a long span of life or a reflection of life according to the author’s background and experience. Kennedy (1979, p.233) states that the novelist a picture of life and manners of the time in which it was written. In a similar manner, Kennedy (1979: 231) also states, “a novel, broadly speaking, is a book-length story in prose, whose author tries to create the sense, that, while people read, they experience actual life”. A novel can also be a tool of instruction to the people for it also suggests wise solutions in solving problems in life. In relation to this statement, Hartoko and Rahmanto (1960, p.30), states that a romance or a novel is very particularly an “exploitation or a chronicle of life, reflected and depicted in the form of a text, the influence of unified result, destruction or achievement of human behavior.”
1.      The Elements of the Novel
          The elements of novel consist of theme, plot, setting, character and conflict (in
a.    Theme
Theme is the main idea of the story. Theme means something that can be derived from a story. About the theme, there is a total meaning discovered by the writer in writing process and by the reader in reading process. Kenney (1966, p.89) states “Theme is not the moral of the story, it is not a subject. Although I have defined it as the meaning of the story, it is not what most people have in mind when they speak what the story really means”. In other word, searching the meaning of the story is searching the theme implicitly in the story.
Theme is idea, opinion and the author’s view of life that becomes the background of literary work. It is the meaning of the story (Kenney, 1966, p.88). By theme, the necessary implications of the whole story can be interpreted, not a separable part of a story. Fananie (2000, p.84) also states that theme is idea, opinion and the author’s view of life that becomes the background of literary work. The theme of literary work was always related to the meaning (experience) of life. It means that, the author lets the readers to see and feel certain meaning of life by viewing it as he/she views through the work (Nurgiantoro, 1995, p.71).
Based on the theories above, theme can be made vague, so the conclusion of the theme expressed by the author must be formulated or investigated carefully by a reader. Theme will be interesting or not depends on the author’s skill, because fundamentally interesting or not a theme, is not on the beauty of theme genre expressed, but on how the author be able to arrange the theme of a story in interesting story sequence, full of conflict, and unites with the characters of a story (Suyasa, 2004, p.56).
b.  Plot
The most important intrinsic element that will be very useful in comprehending the whole story is plot. When the reader can understand the plot of a story in drama, it means that he knows the entire story of it in detail. According to Aminuddin, the definition of plot in the literary works commonly is a series of story which is formed by some stages of event until they produce a story that is presented by the actor or actress (2002, p.83).
Plot may be discussed in terms of exposition, complication, climax, revelation, and denouement. Aminuddin (2002, p.85) describes the stages of plot as wave. The wave beginning from (1) exposition, (2) complication or beginning intrigues that grows to become conflicts, (3) climax, (4) revelation or clarification of problems, and (5) denouement or joyful ending, which is differentiated from catastrophe, that is a sad ending; and solution, that is an opened ending because only the readers will end the story through their imagination.
c.  Setting
One element of the novel is setting, it gives the place to stand on the story concretely and clear, setting has function to give context so that can be expressed that a story happened and experienced by characters in curtain place, at a time and certain circles of society (Wiyatmi, 2006, p.40).
Setting is a place where the story occurred as a time, when the incident occurred, as a nature condition and period of time. The story on the novel does not stay in the continuum or a blank space. The story always happens in a place and in a time. The space in a place and time in the novel is called “the setting”.
d. Conflict
Silverman divides conflicts into four types, namely:
1.    Approach-approach Conflict
The individual is drawn to two equality pleasurable goals and in choosing, one must eliminate the other.
2.    Approach-Avoidance Conflict
One goal has both positive and negative qualities that alternately or simultaneously attract and repel the individual.
3.    Double Approach-Avoidance Conflict
The individual is caught between two goals, both of which have positive and negative qualities.
4.    Avoidance-avoidance Conflict
The individual is pressured to choose between two goals. Instead of making a choice between these alternatives, some individuals will respond by escaping the entire situation.
Conflict can be a centre of a story. Conflicts, which become the basis of plot, are the conflict of the protagonist. This situation and condition arouse some events on the story and make the story alive. Generally, the central of theme of a story is a conflict and how to solve or to end the conflicts. Conflict is the element of the story which shows the concerns of the central characters. There are some universal conflicts which are often identified by the terms: character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. society, character vs. nature (in
According to Harmon (2003, p. 35) conflict is a struggle which grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in plot. The character, usually the protagonist, may be involved in conflict of four different kinds, namely a struggle against the forces of nature, a struggle against another person, usually the protagonist, a struggle against society as a force, and a struggle for mastery by two elements within the person.
While according to Nurgiyantoro (1995, p.124).conflict can be divided into two categories: internal and external. Internal conflict is a conflict that exists inside a character’s mind. In other word, conflict is a fight against himself. Meanwhile, external conflict is defined as a conflict that exists between character in the story and something beyond his power. Conflict is also one of the causes in a story that makes it become more fascinating. A story without conflict will be monotonous. Therefore, conflict is an important part of a story.
e. Character
Character is one of literary elements that is very vital to understand the entire story of a literary work. Characters are the humans, animals, or fantasized beings that are created by the author to act within a story for the author's purposes. In some instances, such as in historical fiction, there may be real human beings who lived during the time period of the story.
A character may be described by the author through dialogues, actions, descriptions, and expositions of a narrator. As Roberts stated that in literature, a character is a verbal representation of a human being as presented to us by authors through the depiction of actions, conversations, descriptions, reactions, inner thoughts and reflections, and also through the author’s own interpretive commentary (Roberts, 2003, p.66).
Character is important in fictional work because a character helps to develop the plot. Character is influenced by events just as events are shaped the plot by characters (Meyer, 1990, p.61). Characters can be classified by the amount of influence they have over the plot. If a character has a large influence on the plot, that is, if the character's actions have a significant effect on the ending of the story, then that character is considered a major (or main) character. On the other hand, if a character has a small influence on the plot, that is, if the character's actions have little effect on the ending of the story, then that character is considered a minor character.
According to Wiyanto (as cited in Raharjo (2007), character can be divided into four kinds:
1.    Protagonist
Protagonist is character that has positive characteristic and attitude also called the hero or the heroin, an admirable character, the character that has norms and ideal value for the readers and also known as the good people.
2.    Antagonist
Antagonist is the opponent of protagonist character, this kind of character has negative characteristics and attitude, also known as the bad character. The cause of any conflict is not always caused by this character (antagonist), but also caused by other things out of  individually, such as; natural disaster, accident, social and natural environment, moral value, power, and higher strength, or force. The cause of conflict that not be done by human being is called antagonistic force.
3.    Simple Character
Simple or flat character has only one personal nature, his/her nature and behavior as a simple character is flat, monotone and reflects only one character from the beginning to the end in a story. It is easy to understand, recognize, and more familiar.
4.    Round Character
Round character or complex character is the character that has some character, behavior and is hard to guess.
Furthermore according to Roberts and Jacobs, flat characters are essentially undistinguishable from their group or class. Therefore they are not individual, but representative. Usually they stay the same; they are static, and not dynamic like round character. They are not developed, and because they are not central to the plot they do not change or grow (Roberts, 2003 p.23). Based on the statement, characters can also be classified by the amount of change they exhibit in their personalities. If a character undergoes a significant change in personality, then that character is considered a dynamic character. If a character shows little or no change in personality, then that character is considered a static character.
Meanwhile, in order to analyze a character's personality or motivations, the reader must search for a pattern in the character's behavior, or this way is called characterization. According to Harmon William characterization is the presentation of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, from the action (2003, p.88). And in order to discover this pattern, the  reader needs to  understand  the  techniques  of characterization,  which is  the   process   by  which  an author creates a character.
Robert (in formulates four techniques of characterization. They are exposition, dialogue, action and description.
1.    First, through the exposition of the narrator, the narrator of a story or play may comment on how he/she feels, on what he/she thinks, on what he/she intends to do. This narrator may also voice an opinion about other characters, an opinion that helps the reader to understand those characters but also understand the narrator as well.
2.    Second, through dialogue or what a character says. As with people in real life, what characters say and how they say it, reveals much about their personalities. A character's choice of words can reveal his/her feelings and intentions as well as provide insights into social status, education level, and area of residence.
3.    Third, through action (what a character does). Again, as with people in real life, what characters do, and how they do it, reveals much about their personalities. A character who simply tense up his fist upon hearing that his father has died is likely to be a different sort of person than one who shouts, screams, and weeps upon hearing the same news. Also, a reader should make a special note of how closely a character's actions and dialogue agree.
4.    Fourth, through description (how a character looks/what belongings a character owns). The readers often gain our first impression of a person by noting what clothes he or she is wearing, what car he or she is driving, etc.

2.      Concepts of Value
            There are many interpretation of value. There is a philosoper who says that value is something can create attention or as object of attention (Guerin, as cited in Turmuzi, 1997).
Other opinion notes that value is something issued and attract more attention and it is useful for human progress (Poerwadarminta, 1986, p.67).
Furthermore, there is a definition which assume value as an object of sense, together with purposes that is agreed by community. Value means an ability that can give prosperity. In general meaning, value means the quality in something which makes it helpful, useful or desirable (Quirk, 1978, p.121).
Related to the statement above, Quirk also says that the belived capacity of any object becomes of great interest to an individual or group. In other cases, value is identified as an ability or certainly that satisfied human willing and declared as a characteristic of something and thinking or content of experience where visible facts to create the apprecation and atention for person who sees it.
Whereas, according to Slotkin (1950, p.3), value is the quality in something which makes it helpful or desirable and anything that has characteristic which help the human being to achieve satisfaction is useful.
a.    Moral Value
The word “moral” has a meaning which concerns principles of right or wrong behaviors. It can also mean practical lessons that a story, an event, or an experience teachers. The moral of that story, for example, is ‘better late than never’. A person’s behavior is called moral if it follows standards of right behavior, good behavior or virtue (Hornby, 1995, p.80). In a literary work, anything moral means that it expresses or conveys truth or counsel to right conducts.
Webster (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997) states that ‘moral’ is concerned with the principles of right or wrong conducts.
Morality, according to Shaw (1972, p.245), is acceptance of, and conformity to rules of right conducts and moral, or virtuous behaviors. More clearly, he states, ‘Except for works of decadence and pornography, all literature is involved with morality although this quality may be only implied. For instance, despite the treachery, deceit, cunning, and murders involved in worthwhile tragedies, they are plays of morality because their essential message is that ‘the wage of sin is death’.
The term “value” may refer to interests, pleasures, likes, preferences, duties, moral obligations, desires, wants, needs, aversions and attractions, and many other modalities of selective orientation (Pepper, 1958, p.7) a value generally means a quality of being useful or worthwhile or important whereas values mean moral or professional standards of behavior (Hornby, 1995, p.141).
Those definitions look different but they are related to the same meaning. An important understanding of the term “value” is that it is a standard behavior that is useful or worthwhile. Moral values in literature then mean the principles of right or wrong behaviors which are worthwhile and important in literary work to be conveyed to the readers to improve their morality in life. In a novel, moral values can be seen through an implication. It is because moral values usually can only convey implicitly. The moral values are implied through the characters in the novel. Good moral values are usually conveyed through the protagonist characters. In converse, bad moral values are conveyed through the antagonist characters.
 Purwa (1998, p.102) states that a moral concerned with accepted rules and standard of human behavior. It refers to goodness or badness of human character or behavior, or with the distinction between right and wrong.
While Gunawan (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997) says that moral is derived from Latin “most” (singular) “mores” (plural) and “moralist” (adjective). A plural form “morals” mean habit, behavior and ethics and “moralist” means morality. Morality is human behavior in the sense that the behavior is right or wrong.
1.    Moral Approach
According to Guerin (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997) moral approach is an approach that is used to find the moral messages behind the main characters by looking at their beliefs and behaves. Moral approach can be used to look more closely at the main characters in a novel. Through moral approach the messages behind the main characters are clear.
2.    Aspect of Moral Application
According to Anderson (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997), moral aspect is something, which is related to norms of humanity that is found within the story. 
 While, Jacques Thiroux (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997) states that there are four aspects for the application of moral, they are:
a)    Religious Moral
It refers to a human being in relationship to a supernatural being or beings.
b)   Natural Moral
It refers to a human being in relationship to nature. In the morality and nature aspect, someone could be considered either moral or immoral, depending upon his action toward the natural things around him.
c)    Individual Moral
It refers to individuals in relation to themselves and to an individual code of morality that may or may not be sanctioned by any society or religion.
d)   Social Moral
It refers to concern a human being in relation to other human beings.

b. Educational Value
Before classifying the meaning of the education value of the novel. Firstly, the present researcher clarifies the meaning ‘educational’ and ‘value;. Educational is the process to learn or to get any information from other or environments. While, value in this study is closely related to good or bad thing; something is good or bad depends much on the values consisted in it.
Educational is defined as; (1) The act of the process of importing and acquiring general knowledge and developing of the power of reasoning and judgment. (2) The act of the process of importing and acquiring particular knowledge or skill as for trade or profession. So, the educational value in this study is the development aspect of the human personality, such as religious, social, and moral from the novel (Seriadi, 2005, p.7)
Meanwhile, Mariana (2005, p.6) says that educational value means valuable skill, useful gifts, and principles of social activities in order to create a better life of physical spiritual, psychological, and intellectual value. The educational value is anything significant or useful connected with though and human behavior that can be a principle and an example of human life that enables the human life to be better in their body and mind.
Education is the customary means of imparting the culture of a group, it has two main effects. Firstly, it is the agency by which the group teaches its members how to adjust. Man has relatively few inherited behavior patterns, so that he learns most of his adjustive behavior, and since most of what man learns, he learns from others, the education proces is the agency through which he acquires the greater part of his adjustive behavior, and since most of what man learns. He learns from others, the educational process is the agency through which he acquires the greater part of his adjustive behavior. Education teaches the members how to behave according to the customs of the group. Second, it is the means by which the customs of the group  are perpetuade  (Slotkin, 1950, p.52).
The term  “ Social education “ is a combination of two words. First, the education and second, the social. Both of these words a matter of human being as a member of social group .
The sociologist suggests that the problem about human being as a member of social group mean talking about social process which is known as socialization.Therefore they concepted that the social education means introducing “child“ for community problems together with cultural environment. However, the social education is not the same idea with the community education because both of them meaning and purposing are different (Tumuzi, 1997, p.16).
Below are some versions of social education.
1.    According to Ellwood (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997), social education is an effort to influnce and direct human that he can turn to social process.
2.    According to Masako (as cited in Turmuzi, 1997), social education, in the general term, is generally directed to organize for programme of physical education and recreation, mainly for youth and adults other than those provided in the curriculum of school and institution of higher education.
3.    In the education process the individual is taught to behave in comformity to group custom and is discouraged from behavior which violates such custom. Therefore, education transmits the culture through succesive generation. Education can be clasified into informal and formal. Now, most of an individual’s education in any society is informal: considerding how little of the socially acquired behavior his/her perform during the day was learned in school. The dagree of formality found in education depends upon the nature of the custom being learned (Slotkin, 1950, p.57).

c. Religious Value
According to ”The word book dictionary” the word religiousity means the religious feeling or sentiment (Chicago, 1980, p.66).
The meaning of religy is wider that religion. The word religy comes from the word that it’s mean it serves. From this case the meaning of religy is more specific to the personalities problem. So, it’s more dynamic, because it’s more stressed on the exsistence of people (Aminudin, 2002, p.67).
Religion is massive that requisted by the God to prophet as human direction, and the perfect laws to be used by human in their real life, and also arrange the relationship and responsible to Allah, as servant of Allah, human and communnity with natural environment (Aradjat, 1984, p.59).
Based on the meaning of religion obove, it can be concluded that the meaning of religion is the moslem laws of Allah for prophet declaration, such as: command prohibition declaration for prosperity of human being, either in world problem or after the problems. The teaching of religion seriously will lead people to get certain point of view of life enducational is not only an intelectual education, or something like those or such give information process as much as possible about the religion but also an intended growing of religious attitude for pupil, therefore it is hoped for the pupil to have the religious act which can effect conseptic of life.

3. Synopsis of the Novel
A power revered by president and kings, a fortune unsurpassed by few people on earth: all that ended for Harry Standford the day he mysteriously, and fatally, plunged from his luxury yacht into the Mediterranean sea. Then, back home in Boston, as the family gather to grive for his memory and to war over his legacy, a stuningly beautiful woman appears. She claims to be Standfords long-lost daughter and entitled to share of his estate. Now, flaming with intrigue and passion through the glamorous preserves of the worlds super rich, the ultimate game of wits begins, for stakes too dazzling and deadly to image.
Standford had learned long ago to trust his instinct. Instinct and intitution had helped making him one of the wealthiest man in the world. Forber magazine estimates the value of Standford Enterprises at six billion dollars, while the fortune 500 apraised at seven billion. The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and the financial times try to reveal had all done profiles on Harry Standford, trying to explain his mystique his amazing sense of timing, the ineffable acumen that had created the giant Standford Enterprises. None had fully succeeded.
What they all agreed on was that he had an almost palpable, maniac energy. He was inexhaustiblle. His philosopy is simple: a day without making a deal was a day wasted. He wore out his competitors, his staff, and everyone else who come in contact with him. He was a phenomenon, larger than life. He thought of himself as a rligious man. He believes in God, and the God he believes in wanted him to be rich and successful, and his enemies dead.
Harry Standford is a public figure, and the press knows everything about him. Harry Stanford is a private figure, and the press knows nothing about him. They had written about his charisma, his lavish life-style, his private plan and his yacht, and his legendary homes in Hobe Sound, Morocco, Long Island London, the South of France, and of course his magnificent estate, Rose Hill, in the Back Bay area of Boston. But the real Harry Standford remains an enigma. Standford has two sons, a daughter and half daughter, his sons name is Tyler and Woodrow, his daughter is kendall and his half daughter is Julia.
Tyler Standford is a short, slightly overweight man with sharp, calculating eyes and a hard mouth. He had none of his father’s charisma or attractiveness. His outstanding feature is a deep, sonorous voice, perfect for pronouncing sentence.
Tyler Standford is a private man who keeps his throught to himself. He is forty years old, but he looks much older than his years. He prides himself on having no sense of humor. His life is to grim for levity. His only hobby are chess, and once a week he plays at a local club, where he invariably won.
Tyler Standford is a brilliant jurist, hold in high  esteem by his fellow judges, who often come to him for advice. Very few people are aware that he is once of the Standfords. He never mentions his father’s name.
The judges chamvers is in the large cook Country Criminal Court  building at twenty-six and California steeets, a fourteen story stone edifice with steps leading up to the front entrance. It is a dangerous neighbour, and a notice outside, states: BY JUDICIAL ORDER, ALL PERSONS ENTERING THIS BUILDING SHALL SUBMIT TO SEARCH.
This is happened where Tyler spends his days, hearing cases involving robbery, burglary, rape, shooting, drugs, and murders. Ruthless  in his deission, he becomes known as the hanging judge. All day along he listens to defendant pleading poverty, child abuse, broken homes, and a hundred other excuses. He accepted none of them. A crime is a crime and have to be punished. And in the back of his mind is always his father.
Kendall Standfordhad always known that he wants to be a designer. From the time she is a little girl. She had had a natural sense of style. Her dolls is the trendiest outfits in town. She will show off her latest creations for her mother’s approval. Her mother will hug her and say, “you’re very talented, darling. Someday you’re going to be a very important designer.” And Kendal  is sure of it. In school, Kendall takes graphic design, structural drawing, spatial conseption, and color coordination. “the best way to begin,” one of her teachers have advised her, “is to become a model yourself. That way, you will meet all the top designers, and if you keep your eyes open, ‘you will learn from them’.
When Kendall mentions her dream to her father, he looks at her and says, “you? A model ! you must be joking”.
Peggy Malkovich had been married to Woodrow “Woody” Standford for two years, but to the residents of Hobe Sound, she is still referred to as “that wait ress.” Peggy had been waiting on tables at the Rain Forest Grille when Woody first met her. Woody Standford is the golden boy of Hobe Sound. He lives in the family Villa, has classical good looks, he is charming and gregarious, and a target for all the eager debutantes in Hobe Sound, Philadelphia, and Long Island. It is therefore a seismic shock when he suddenly eloped with a twenty five-year-old waitress who is pain-looking, a high school drops out, and the daughter of a day laborer and a housewife. Woody tries hard to make a success of the marriage. He knows he made a mistake, and he did not want to punish Pegy for it. He tries desperately to be a good husband. The problem is that Peggy has nothing in common with him or with any of his friends.
Woody’s friends are aware that even though he is staying at the Standford villa, he is estranged from his father and that he is living off the small annuity that his mother left him. His passion is polo and he rides the ponies owned by friends. In the world of polo, players are ranked by goals, with ten goals being the best. Woody is nine goals, and he has ridden with Mariano Aguerre from Buenos Aries, Wicky El Effendi from Texas, Andres Diniz from Brazil, and dozens of other top goals. There are only about twelve ten-goal players in the world, and Woody’s driving ambition is to join the group.
Julia Standford had never known her father and now he was dead, reduced to a black headline in the kansas City Star: TYCOON HARRY STANDFORD DROWNS AT SEA! She sat there staring at his photograph on the front page of the newspaper, filled with conflicting emotions. Do I hate him because of the way he treated my mother, or do I love hin because he is may father ? Do I  feel guilty because I never tries to get in touch with him, od do I feel angry because he never tried to find me ? it doesn’t matter anymore, he thought. He’s gone.
Julia startes school when she is five, and her class mates will mock her because she wears the same dress and scuffy shoes evey day. When the other children tease her, Julia Standford fights him. She is a rebel, and she is always being brought up before the priciple. Her teachers does not know what to do with her. She is in constant trouble. She might has been expelled except for one thing: she is the brightest student in the class. Her mother had told Julia that her father is dead, and she accepts  that. But when Julia is twelve years old, she stumbles across a picture album filled with photographs of her mother with a group of strangers.
The truth is finally come out, shattering Julia’s peace of mind. Her father is alive! And she have a sister and two brothers. It is too much to be comprehend. Finally, one day Julia reads newspaper articles about her father, or watches him being interview on television, she never mentions him to Sally or to any of her employers.
I was the gathering of a clan of strangers, it had been years since they had seen on communicated with one another. Judge Tyler Standford arrived in Boston by plane. Kendall Standford Renaud flew in from Paris. Marc Renaud took the rain from New York. Woody Standford and Peggy drove up from Hobe sound. The heirs had been notified that the funeral services would take place at King’s Chapel. The street outside the churchwas barricaded, and there were policemen to hold back the crowd that had gathred to watch the dignitaries arrive. The vice president of the United States was there, as well as senator and ambassadors and statesmen from as far away as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. During his lifetime, Harry Standford had cast a large shadow, and all seven hundred seats in the chapel would be occupied.
The minister stepped into the chaper’s historic wine glass-shaped pulpit. “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that belive in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whoever live and believe in me shall never die. With the service finished, the minister announces, “The burial services will be private family members only.” Tyler looks at the coffin and thinks about the body inside. Last night, before the casked was sealed, he is gone straight from Boston’s Longan International Airport to the viewing at the funeral home. He wants to see his father dead. Woody watches as the coffin iss carried out of the church past the staring mourners, and he smiles: gives the people what they want.

4.  The Author Biography and His Literary Works
Shidney sheldon was born in chicago and educated at North Westren University. During the second war, he served in the air corps, where he earned pilot’s wings upon his discharge. He began to write for broadway’s and was celebrated play writer by the age of twenty-five.
Retuning to Holywood, Mr. Sheldon embarked upon a career which saw the creation  of more than  twenty major films. He has won a tony award for the bachelor and the Bobby Soxer and the screen writer award.
Best known today for his excitingm blockbuster novels, Sidney Sheldon is the author of the stars Shine Down, the Doomsday Conspiracy, Memories of Midnight.  The Sands of Time, Windmills of the Gods, If Tomorrow Come. Master of the Game, Range of Angels, Bloodline, A Stranger in the Mirror, and The Other Side of Midnight. All have been number one international bestsellers.
His first and only other book, the Naked Face, was acclaimed by the New York Times as the best first mystery of the year. Most of his novels have become major feature films or TV mini-series, and there are 150 million copies of his books in print throughout the world. However, before he ever authored a book Sidney Sheldon had won a Tony award  for Broadway Redhead and an Academy Award for the Bachelor and the Boby Soxer. He wrote the screenplays for twenty-three motion pictures including Easter Parade (with Judy Garland) and Annie Get Your Gun. In addition, he penned six other Broadway hits and created four long running television series including hart to hart and I dream of Jeannie, which he also produced and directed. A writer who has delighted millions with his award winning plays, movies, novel, and television shows, Sidney  Sheldon reigns as one of the most popular storytellers of all time. Sidney Sheldon lives in South California and admits to being compulsive worker.
Sidney Sheldon literary works may chronologically be listed as follow:
1.         The Naked Face (1970)
2.         The Other Side of Midnight (1973)
3.         A Stranger in the Mirror (1976)
4.         Bloodline (1977)
5.         Rage of Angels (1980)
6.         Master of the Game (1982)
7.         If Tomorrow Comes (1985)
8.         Windmills of the Gods (1987)
9.         The Sands of Time (1988)
10.     Memories of Midnight (1990)
11.     The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991)
12.     The Stars Shine Down (1992)
13.     Nothing Lasts Forever (1994)
14.     Morning, Noon and Night (1995)
15.     The Best Laid Plans (1997)
16.     Tell Me Your Dreams (1998)
17.     The Sky Is Falling (2001)
18.     Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004)

B.   Relevant Study
There is a study which is relevant with this study; a study was investigated by Ahmad Turmuzi (1997) entitled “Analysis of Jaime Miro’ Characteristics and Social Values in Novel The sands of time Written by Sidney Sheldon.
 The problem of his study were “What are Jaime Miro’ characteristics in novel The sands of time written by Sidney Sheldon and what Social Values of Jaime Miro’ characteristics in novel The sands of time written by Sidney Sheldon.          The Objective of his study was to describe; Jaime Miro’ characteristics in novel The sands of time written by Sidney Sheldon and to describe the social values of Jaime Miro’ characteristics in novel The sands of time written by Sidney Sheldon.
Method of analysis in his thesis is a library research. He collects some data to support the analysis and find the related to the research by reading The sands of time written by Sidney Sheldon for several times.
Based on the analysis of Jaime Miro in the novel The sands of time in Sidney Sheldon, he found that in Jaime Miro’s character classified into individual and social moral values. Individual of Jaime Miro are bravery, faith, and goowill. And social values of Jaime Mir oar love, friendship, and care.
Based on the explanation above, the similarity between Ahmad Turmuzi’s study and the present researcher’ study can be seen on the novel maker and had known with the crime genre while the differences can be seen on the values was investigated by Ahmad Turmuzi. Ahmad Turudzi’ study investigated about social values meanwhile the presents study investigates about educational and religious values.

C. Theoretical Framework
In analyzing a literary work, the readers have to be able to give consideration to its elements, moreover a novel. It is important in order to understand the detail work of art, such as values, content, and the society which are elaborated in the novel itself because a literary work is built up from some dominant elements such as form and content in order it can be understood by someone who reads it. So the result of the analysis of a literary work will produce an impression and understanding concerning the literary work itself.
Literary work is a respond of real way of life. Literary concerns with life and human being and the existence of literary work can give the readers any information about human life. Literary work also is a medium to describe the reader’s problem of life such as values implied.
A value generally means a quality of being useful or worthwhile or important whereas values mean professional standards of behavior (Hornby, 1995, p.141). Related to this theory, the present researcher specifically discusses about educational values and religious values in Morning, Noon, and Night of Sidney Sheldon’ novel.
It is hoped that this novel can be used as teaching material in English Literature classes and make English literature teachers become more experienced about the content of the novel and how to analyze it.
Finally, it is hoped that this study can encourage the English literature students to read novels, especially Morning, Noon, and Night. The present researcher also hopes that the social problems in the novel can be experience for the readers. Then, when it happens in the real life, the readers can solve it, or at least can be minimized. And the educational and moral values in the novel can be the example for the readers.

A.  Research Design
      In this research, the present researcher uses descriptive qualitative design. Berguson (as cited in Moleong, 2000) states that a qualitative research refers to the meaning, concept, definitions, characteristics, metaphor, symbol, and description of thing. Meanwhile, quantitative research refers to numerical data, so all the information or data analyzed is based on the numerical. Therefore, this study will be designed in descriptive qualitative design; it means that the data are collected in the form of words rather than numbers.

B.  Data Collection
     This part discusses about data and source of data, technique data collection and instrument of the study.
1.    Data and source of data
The data source of this research is Morning, Noon, and Night which consists of 35 chapters and 388 pages written by Sidney Sheldon 1995. Ney York: William Marrow and Company, Inc.
The data are in the form written dialogue, monologue, and expression which describe the educational and religious values.
2.    Technique of data collection
The data will be gathered by using specific technique, before gathering the data, it is important to give definition of data. Data are information and materials that are available in the world but according to Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (1995, p.109) data are information or facts to be analyzed. The data must also be suitable with the problem of investigation, so the data must be found out and collected by the investigator.
Concerning to the definition above, data in this study will be analyzed based on the words, phrases, and utterances in order to know the moral values of the novel. Techniques of collecting data are used in this study are reading, note taking, and library technique. Reading and note taking mean that the present researcher reads the novel carefully and takes a note which is relevant to the topic of the discussion. Library technique means that the present researcher collects data from written source related to the investigation materials. In the process of collecting data, the present researcher will do some activities as follows:
a.    The present researcher reads the novel, and takes a note written in other paper in order not to make the novel dirty.
b.    The present researcher compares the data collected with other sources such as books and thesis related to educational and religious values investigation.
3.      Instrument of data collection
As a qualitative study, the main instrument of this particular study is the human instrument. Moleong (2000, p.121) says that in a qualitative investigation, the researcher herself is the main instrument of collecting data.  In line with this statement, the present researcher uses her skill and intellectual ability in collecting data and comprehends all the data are elaborated in the novel of Morning, Noon, and Night. Another instrument is used to analyze the data of the novel is by discussing it with people who has knowledge about literature to give the critical competences about the content of the novel, so that, the present researcher is able to find out the interpretation.

C.  Data Analysis
       In analyzing the data of this study, there are four phases of data analyzes will be applied. Firstly, the present researcher collects the data during activities of reading novel relates to educational and religious values. Secondly, the present researcher selects the data and classifies them based on the elements of values needed. Thirdly, the present researcher narrates every part that related to data of educational and religious values step by step. Fourthly, the present researcher interprets every part of the data related to educational and religious values that will be focus of this investigation.

D.  Trustworthiness of Data
It is necessary to check the trustworthiness of data analysis. To check the trustworthiness of data, the present researcher uses the triangulation. The triangulation will be done in three ways: by utilizing data sources, method collecting data, and other colleagues, Moleong (as cited in Raharjo, 2007).
The triangulation technique will be conducted by using another data as a comparison. The triangulation will be used in this study to check the trustworthiness of the result of research. In utilizing data source, the present researcher compares his research’s results with other sources such as books and thesis that are relevant with his research, especially the research about the educational and religious values of a novel. In the second way, the present researcher re-checked the findings. All data findings re-read in order to reassure whether it is correct data or not. While in the last way, the present researcher will discuss it with the lecture “Mrs. Titin Ernawati, SS” and another literary student to give explanation about the educational and religious values in the novel of Morning, Noon, and Night.

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