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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

proposal experiment 3


A.   Research Design
The method is used in this study is an experimental method. According to Sugiyono (2009, p.73), experimental method divided into four, namely true-experimental, pre-experimental, factorial design, and quasi experimental design. In line with this statement, the present researcher will use a pre experimental design, by using one group experiment; those are pre-test and post-test design.
In this case; the present researcher will analyze the effect of mind mapping technique on reading descriptive text for the eleventh graders of SMA 1 Praya Timur in the school year 2011/2012. After that, present researcher gives a treatment by using mind mapping technique. To be clear, it can be seen on the figure 1 bellow.




  Experimental Group

   O1                        X                         O2
Figure 1. Research Design
In the research design above, observation will be done twice; they are before and after treatment. Observation will be done before treatment called pre-test (O1) and observation is done after treatment called post-test (O2) Suharsimi (2006, p.85).
The present researcher gets data from the students of SMA 1 Praya Timur to know the effect of mind mapping technique on reading descriptive text and to find out significance the effect is.
In this study, present researcher use test and administrates the way to collect data such as pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Where, the present researcher uses the same test but it uses mind mapping become treatment. After that, the present researcher gives post-test to the students. It can help the present researcher to overcome the problems, there is or no the effect of mind mapping technique on reading descriptive text for the eleventh graders of SMA 1 Praya Timur in the school year 2011/2012.

B.  Setting of the Study
This study will be done at 1february 2012 until 25 February 2012 in the first semester for the eleventh graders of SMA 1 Praya Timur in the school year 2011/2012.

C.  Population and Sample of the Study
In this part, the present researcher discusses about population and sample of the study.
1.    Population of the Study
The term of population is defined as a set or collection of elements possessing one or more attributes of interest (Sutrisno, 1985, p.71). While, Suharsimi (2006, p.108) states that population is a complete set of individuals or subjects that have some common observable characteristics.
Based on the theories above, the population of this research is the entire eleventh graders of SMA 1 Praya Timur in the school year 2011/2012 which consists of three classes. The numbers of students for those classes are 120 students as shown in table 1 bellow.
Table 1: The Population of the Study

Sum of Population
40 Students
40 Students
40 Students

120 Students

2.    Sample of the Study
According to Gay (1992, p.125), sample is a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group from which they are selected. Reffering to this theory, the present reseacher takes one class from the total of population by using cluster sampling. This technique will be used because the population are supposed that they are heterogeneous. After that, the present reseacher takes one class by using lottery. As the result, the class X2 is chosen as the sample of the study which consists of 40 students.

D.  Data Collection
  1. Identifying the Variables
Based on the title of this study, there are two variables. First variable is mind mapping technique as independent variable, and the second variable is students’ reading descriptive text score that is observed and measured to determine the effect of independent variable (Hatch and Frahady, 1982, p.15).
  1. Defining Operationally the Variables
a.    Mind mapping technique is a strategy for note-making, in other words, scribbling down ideas about a topic and developing those ideas as the mind makes associations Hedge (as cited in Desi, 2009).
b.    Reading descriptive text is an activity to get information from written text. Where in this activity, there is interaction between the author and the writer because the writer delivers her/his idea to the readers through the texts in this case descriptive text Gibbons (1993, p.51).
  1. Instrument of the Study
Instrument is a tool to collect the data of the study. Data are needed to solve the problems and to prove the hypothesis. So instrument denote as the main key in research activity, at the same time it determines the quality of research (Suharsimi, 2006, p.149). Referring to this explanation, the instrument which will be used in this research is the test. A test is a series of the questions or exercises or other instruments are used to measure the skill, knowledge, intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individual or groups (Suharsimi, 2006, p.150).
An instrument that will be used in a research must be valid. Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what is supposed to be measured (Gay 1992, p.161). Suharsimi (2006, p.168) notes that an instrument will be valid if it is able to measure what should be measured.
Based on the theories above, the present researcher will use test that will be taken from English course book for Senior High School and it based on the standard in Indonesia curriculum for eleventh graders in reading aspect as considerations in formulating test.
The present researcher does not try out the test but the present researcher uses two kinds of validity namely; construct validity and content validity.
1.    Construct validity
According to Nurgiyantoro (2009, p.104), construct validity refers to the extent to which the results of the data collection process can be interpreted in terms of underlying psychological construct.
Meanwhile, Purwanto (2008, p.138) notes that the test has construct validity if the test correlated to the theory and concept of the material that has been taught. The instrument has construct validity if there is a relationship between theory and concept of the competence needed to accomplish the tests in this study. The instrument will be consulted to English teacher, and a course book is being used for Senior High School level. So, it is categorized into a valid test.
2.    Content validity
According to Nurgiyantoro (2009, p.103), content validity refers to the extent to which data collection process measures a representative sample of the subject matter or behavior that should be encompassed by the operational definition. In addition Purwanto (2008, p.138) states that the test has content validity if the scope and content of the test based on the curriculum that has been taught.
Relates to this study, the content of the test will be taken from English course book for Senior High School is being used in SMA 1 Praya Timur in the school year 2011/2012 and it based on the standard in Indonesia curriculum for eleventh graders in reading aspect as considerations in formulating test.
3.    Reliability of Instrument
Reliability is very important of a test to get reliable result of measurement. Reliability is stability of the test if it is used, a test is called reliable if it is obtained the stable data or consistent if it is used to measure the same test in other time and place. The reliability of a measuring instrument is the degree of consistency with it measures whatever it is measuring (Suharsimi, 2006: 178).
To know about the reliability of the test, the present researcher used the KR–20 formula as follow:
r11   =
 :  The reliability of instruments
 :   The number of test item
 :   Total Variant

q = 1-p
The question is called reliable if r11> r-table, with significance level is 5%          
(Suharsimi, 2006: 189)
Based on the result of analysis, the present researcher found that r11 > r-test, it meant that the instrument was reliable because r11 = 0.96 and r-table = 0.404. (See Appendix 6)

  1. Technique of Data Collection
 Collecting the data in this study, the present researchers will use test. The present researcher administrates the way to collect data as follow:
a.    Pre-test
The present researcher administrates pre-test to the students. The pre-test is multiple choice form which consist of four options (a, b, c, and d).
b.    Treatment (teaching and learning process)
The present researcher teaches students about the material for experimental in pre-test and post-test. In this case, the present researcher uses mind mapping technique.
c.    Post-test
The present researcher administrates post-test to the students. The test is similar with the pre-test. However, the post-test will be given after the treatment by using mind mapping technique.

E.  Data Analysis
In this part, the present researcher describes the technique of data analysis in which consist of description of the data and hypothesis testing.  
1.      Descriptive Statistics
In this part, the present researcher uses descriptive statistic to describe the result of the study. It is used to determine the data into high, average, and categories in which Mi ideal mean score and SDi is ideal standard deviation for the purpose by the following formula:

Mi + SDi up to Mi + 3SDi        = High
Mi – SDi up to < Mi + 1SDi     = Average
Mi – 3SDi up to < Mi – 1SDi   = Low
Mi =  1/2 x (Maximum score + Minimum score)
SDi = 1/6 x (Maximum score + Minimum score)
Nurkencana and Sumartana (1990, p. 89)
2.      Hypothesis Testing
To analyze the hypothesis testing which is aimed to know whether the alternative hypothesis is accepted or not, the present researcher uses the following formula:
Md       = mean of pre-test and post-test
∑x2d     = sum of deviation 
N         = subject
 (Arikunto, 2006, p.275)
The hypothesis criteria, if:
ttable ≤ ttest, it means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected
ttable ≥ ttest, it means that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

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