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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

sekripsi tentang correlation

In the SCHOOL YEAR 2010/2011




NPM. 06461668




In the SCHOOL YEAR 2010/2011

NPM. 06461668

This is to certify that the thesis has been approved by the thesis advisors for the thesis defense.

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Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd
NIS: 3303121312

NIS: 3303121150

Acknowledged by
The Head of English Language Education Study Program

NIS : 330 312 1259

Satriawan, M. Jihad. 2011. Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery towards Students’ Ability in Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense at Grsde VIII of MTs NW Kumbung in the School Year 2010/2011. Undergraduate Thesis. Study Program of English Language Education; Department of Language and Art in Education; STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong.  Advisor: (1) Laila Wati, (2) Sri Wahyuni,S.Pd.

Keyword: Grammar Mastery and Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense.
Grammar is important in learning English as foreign language. In this case, grammar guides the students in constructing English sentence to communicate with other people. Grammar is bounded to other language skill like listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Students’ grammar mastery helps students to construct sentence to deliver messages for other people. Sentences are not accurate and good without grammar.
In this research, there were two problems that had been investigated. The problems were: (1) Was there any correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense? (2) How was the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense?  This research was aimed at finding whether or not there was correlation between students’ grammar mastery, especially in simple present tense to the students ability in constructing English simple present sentence at MTs NW Kumbung.  The researcher applied two kinds of test in this research. The first one was multiple choices. This was to the students’ grammar mastery. The second one was writing. This was to know the students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense. In this study, the writer used product moment to find the correlation between the two variables.
Based on the result of the data analysis, the writer found that the value of mean score of students’ grammar mastery was 47.2, and the value of standard deviation was 9.20. Meanwhile the mean score of writing students ability was 5.1, and the value of standard deviation was 1.1. From the data, the writer found a value of correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense was 0,78. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a significant correlation between students’ grammar mastery to the students’ ability in constructing English simple present sentence at MTs NW Kumbung. 

Satriawan, M. Jihad. 2011. Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery towards Students’ Ability in Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense at Grsde VIII of MTs NW Kumbung in the School Year 2010/2011. Undergraduate Thesis. Study Program of English Language Education; Department of Language and Art in Education; STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong.  Advisor: (1) Laila Wati, (2) Sri Wahyuni,S.Pd.

Kata kunci: Penguasaan Grammar, Membuat Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bentuk Sederhana

Grammar sangat penting dalam pembelajran bahasa inggris (bahasa asing), dalam hal ini, grammar menuntun siswa dalam membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain (orang asing). Grammar tidak bisa lepas dari kemampuan-kemampuan berbahasa seperti mendengar, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis.
Penguasan grammar menunjang siswa dalam menyampaikan berbagai pesan kepada orang lain dengan menggunakan kalimat. Kalimat tidak akan akurat dan bagus tanpa grammar.
Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua masalah yang di rumuskan, permasalahan itu adalah: (1) apakah ada hubungan antara penguasaan grammar siswa dalam simple present tense terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk simple present tense? (2) bagaimana kah hubungan antara penguasaan grammar siswa terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam membuat kalimat bahasa inggris dalam kalimat sederhana?. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara kemampuan siswa MTs NW Kumbung dalam membuat kalimat bahasa inggris dalam bentuk sederhana berdasrkan penguasaan grammar terutama bentuk simple present tense. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan dua test yaitu: test pilihan ganda untuk tes grammar dan mendeskripsikan gambar untuk tes kemampuan menyusun kalimatnya. Peneliti menggunakan rumus product-moment untuk mencari hubungan antara ke dua variabel.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, peneliti menemukan bahwa nilai rata-rata dari tes grammar yaitu 47.2 and nilai dari simpangan bakunya yaitu 9.20. sementara, nilai rata-rata dari tes menulis kalimat yaitu 5.1 and simpangan bakunya yaitu 1.1. Dari data tersebut peneliti menemukan nilai dari hubungan antara penguasaan grammar dan membuat kalimat dalam bentuk simple present yaitu o.78. dengan demikian , disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antaran penguasaan grammar, terutama dalam simple present memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kemampuan menulis kalimat dalam bentuk simple present pada MTs NW Kumbung.


 Listen a lot to speak
 Read a lot to write


This is dedicated to my beloved parents (Ibrahim and Hapazah), my uncle (Abdullah), my sister, my family and all of my friends especially my girl friend who has helped and supported me in the process of writing my thesis.


          All of the praise to Allah who has given me his power and the he is a lord of   world. All has give the health, power, honest and all of his help and don’t forget to blessing and salutation be upon the most honorable prophet Mumammad SAW has given us the light and guide us from the darkness to brightness so the people can to live in the peacefulness until now.
In the writing of thesis, the writer almost gets a difficulty and limited time for to do the thesis but the god always gives the solution to the problems. In other hand the writer has the problem in his self but it is not problems because the god always helps the writer to finish the duty for pass from the university at pancor. The writer wants to say tanks for the:
Ø    Drs. H. Muh. Suruji, as the Head of STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong who has given a chance to the writer to study at STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong.
Ø    Bq. Rismarini Nursaly. M.Hum, as the Head of English Language Study Program.
Ø    My fisrt advisor Laila Wati, M.Pd and the second advisor Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd who has guided me to finished the proposal research.
Ø    The Head Master of MTs. Nurussalam Tetebatu, Badrun, S.PdI. and all of the staff who helped the writer in the process of conducting the research
Ø    The grade VIII students of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010-2011 as the subject of the research who have involved actively and seriously in the classroom for this research.
                                                                        Finally, since theme is nothing prefect in the world, so I’m sorry if there is a mistake in the thesis. The writer hopefuls this thesis will has much contribution for teaching and learning in education world.


PAGE OF TITLE  ………………………………………………………………….i
PAGE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................................... Ii
ABSTRUCT............................................................................................................ iii
ABSTRUCT............................................................................................................ iv
MOTTO................................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLE..................................................................................................... x
A.    Background of the study....................................................................... 1
B.     Statements of the Problem..................................................................... 3
C.     Objective of the Study........................................................................... 3
D.    Significance of the Study...................................................................... 4
E.     Scope and Limitation of the Study........................................................ 4
F.      Assumption of the Study....................................................................... 4
G.    Hypothesis of the Study........................................................................ 4
H.    Definition of Key Terms........................................................................ 5
A.    Grammar................................................................................................ 7
B.     Tenses..................................................................................................... 8
C.     Simple Present Tenses.......................................................................... 10
a. Definition of simple present tense.................................................... 10
B. Form of simple present tense........................................................... 12
         1. Verbal sentence....................................................................... 12
         2.  Nominal sentence .................................................................. 13
D.    Uses of simple present tense................................................................ 14
E.     Constructing English sentence............................................................. 16
F.      Relevant Study.................................................................................... 16
G.    Theoretical Framework........................................................................ 17
A.    Research Design................................................................................... 18
B.     Population and Sample of the Study................................................... 19
C.     Research Instrument............................................................................ 19
a. Validity of instrument................................................................... 21
b. Reliability of instrument............................................................... 21
D.    Technique of Data Collection.............................................................. 22
E.     Technique of Data Analysis................................................................. 23
A.    RESULT RESEARCH........................................................................ 27
B.     DISCUSSION..................................................................................... 30
a.       Students Grammar Mastery in Junior High School of Students MTs NW Kumbung.           30
b.      Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense at Students Grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung........................................................................................ 31
c.       The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery towards Students’ Ability in Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense................ 31
A.    CONCLUSION................................................................................... 33
B.     SUGGESTION.................................................................................... 33



A.    Table 2.1 Example of Formula S+ V+ O/V...................................... 10

B.     Table 3.1 total of population ............................................................. 23

C.   Table 4.1 the sequence of correlation level....................................... 30
            This chapter discusses about background of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, assumption of the study, hypothesis of the study and definition of key terms.
A.  Background of the study
      English language is important for students to know because English the language of world. All of English teachers inform the students about the importance of English language. The students should learn it. Like other languages, there are four skills in English language, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill. In learn language, the four skills are very important. All of the students need them to create a good communication with then other.
      The teaching and learning English process needs an understanding about grammar so it can guide us to know the simple present tense and how to use it. Every day student is able to use simple sentence but sometimes they can’t talk by using proper grammar when are speaking. When students perform speaking, grammar is usually neglected, but writing, students need to understand grammar to produce accurate sentences.
In writing, structure and grammar are needed to guide the students in constructing English sentence in simple present tense, (Hornby, 375: 1974). It grammar can support students to construct English sentence in simple present tense. Thus, mastery of grammar is very important for the students in other apply to their language in foreign language. The understanding of grammar guides the students to know and able to identify the component of simple sentence like S+V+O/C. Group of words will be come sentence if consist of  S+V+O/C. As result, students are able to know the process of constructing simple present tense by understanding the way to construct good/correct sentence.
Realizing this fact, the writer is interested in investigating the correlation between students grammar mastery towards students' ability in constructing English simple present tense at Grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011.
B.  Statements of the study
      Based on the background of the problem above, the writer formulates the study as:
  1.  Was there any correlation between students grammar mastery towards students ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense for the second year of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011?
  2. How was the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense for the second year of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011?

C.  Objective of the Study
      Related to the statements of the study, the objectives of study was to find out what there or not there was correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense and to found out the significance of the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense.
D.  Significance of the Study
      The result of the study was expected to be for development of theory especially about the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentences.
E.  Scope and Limitation of the Study
      This study was focused in scope and limitation of the following points.
  1. The object of the study was limited on the correlation between students’ mastery of grammar and students’ ability in constructing English sentence simple present tense.
2.       The subject of study was the students grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung     in the school year 2010/2011.
F.   Assumptions of the Study
      There were three assumptions formulated in this study, those were:
  1. The students mastered grammar, especially simple present tense.
  2. The students were able to construct the English sentence in simple present tense.
G. Hypothesis of the Study
      In this research, the hypothesis was directly in formulated as there was: correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students' ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense of MTs NW Kumbung the school year 2010/2011. The correlation was the higher the students’ grammar mastery, the better their ability in constructing English sentences.
H.  Definition of Key Terms
      To clarify terms used in this study, the writer stated important terms as follow.
  1. Mastery of Grammar
Grammar is structure of language which guides students to understand about language. Grammar has good constribution in writing sentence in English especially in simple present tense. Grammar informs the students to develop the skill of language. Betty (1993: xiii) say grammar promotes the development of all language skills in a variety of ways.
Mastery of grammar means, the writer presented mastery word where students were able to understand and students were able to create sentence base on structure and grammar. If students were able to application of the sentence base on then structure and grammar, the students mastered of grammar.
  1. Constructing English Sentence
Constructing English sentence means creating a sentence which consists of subject, verb, and object or complement. A sentence which consists of subject, verb, and object or complement were simple form of sentence.

       This chapter discusses about grammar, tenses, and simple present tenses, constructing English simple present tense, relevant study, and theoretical framework.
A.  Grammar
      Grammar is one of knowledge that informs the students to construct a sentence becomes a paragraph. Hornby (1990: 107) defines that sentence is the largest unit of grammar. All of sentence will be perfect if sentences are arranged based on grammar. Grammar guides the students to create communication.
      Language can not be separated from grammar because grammar one of the basic in the studying language. With grammar, students created some messages with the others, and students are able to express their thoughts and ideas. Keristi Borjars and Kate Barridoe (2001:12) say that knowledge of grammatical structure is helpful when you are learning the grammatical structure of another language. Thus, grammar has vital position in learning English in four skills of language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They are skills which students use in daily activity. Students need knowledge of grammar to completing the four skills in order to make communication with other in the classroom and out door of class.
      Students need some sentences to express their opinion about anything, and grammar is able to help them to make it correct. Grammar helps the students to arrange words to be good sentence. Some of aspects grammar guide and inform the students how to create a sentence and what will be used by students to communicate in foreign language. In other word students are able to find sentence structure and the meaning of word by the help of grammar.
      Grammar discusses about tense, article, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition and etc. they are aspects of grammar which support the learner to learn English. In this research, the writer/ researcher focused on tenses. A tense consist of 16 form of tenses. Researcher in this case only focused on simple present tense form as the basic of grammar mastery to support English class in MTs NW Kumbung.
B.   Tenses    
Tenses discuss about time and action so tenses show a sentence structure that express time action of people or something whether in present, past, or future. Tenses consist of 16 forms. George E.Wishon and Julia M. Burks (1980:192) pointed out that tense, In relation to action, is a concept that exists in the mind of the speaker, students, or listener. Tenses formations that consist of 16 forms, actually, are used to explain the three tense; present, past, and future tense.

a.        Present Tense  
Present tense is used to express habitual action or event that happens in present. Present tense is divided into four type; those are:
a. Simple present tense
b. Present continuous tense
c. Present perfect tense
d. Present perfect continuous tense
                                            Hartanto, (2003: 265-266)
b.       Past Tense
Past tense is used to express action/ things happened in the past time and usually used preterits. The type of this tense are:
a. Simple past tense
b. Past continuous tense
c. Past perfect tense
d. Past perfect continuous tense
e. Past future tense
f. Past future continuous tense
g. Past future perfect tense
h. Past future perfect continuous tense
                                            Hartanto (265-266)

c.       Future Tense
Future explains what subject or someone will do and what someone plan for next time. This tense includes:
a. Simple future tense
b. Future continuous tense
c. Future perfect tense
d. Future perfect continuous tense 
They are kinds of tenses which people use to express their something in English. Among all of these tenses, the researcher focused only on simple present tense.   
C.  Simple Present Tense
Usually simple present tense is used to express habitual action, general truth, exclamatory sentence and plan or arrangement (Hilman, 2002: 182)
a.       Definition of simple present tense
Simple present tense is a simple sentence used by people to express their daily activity. Simple present sentence consists of S+V+O/C.  Keraf (1997: 47) states that simple tense is the sentence which consists of a subject, predicate, and object or complement. The simple sentence use simple verb in the each sentence like following examples:
                   Formula: S + V + I

Table 2.1 Example of Formula S+ V+ O/V
The key
The car
A shoe
The  book
The bridge
A student
A teacher
a Lawyer

Table 2.1 show that, if the subject is third person (he, she, and it), they must be followed by verb adding with S/ES and if the subject is (I, we, they, and you), they are not followed by verb adding S/ES. The verb adding with S/ES is used by third person.
Hilman (2002: 184) stated that subject which include third person will change in the last infinitive. There are six changes like following examples:
1.      Generally infinitive add suffix –s at the end of the word like following examples:
To bring            brings
To get               gets
To know           knows
2.      If infinitive is end of vocal like –o at the end of word, the verb adding with –es such as:
To do                does
To go                goes
3.      Infinitive which is ended by vocal –e, the verb is added with –s. examples:
To change         changes
To leave            leaves
To prove           proves
4.      infinitive which is ended with consonant ch, sh, s, and x, the verb is added with es like following examples:
To teach           teaches
To watch          watches
To wish            wishes
To discuss        discusses
5.      Infinitive which is ended by consonant y, it become, i and is added with es. Example:
To fly               flies
To reply            replies
To study           studies
To worry          worries

6.      Infinitive which is ended with consonant y and vocal before it, the verb added with s. example:
To buy              buys
To play plays
b.     Form of Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense has two forms. They are simple present tense of verb (verbal sentence) and simple present tense of verb be (nominal sentence).                                                                                                                                   
1.     Pattern of Present Tense of Verb (verbal sentence).
The simple present tense of verb is formed from simple form of a verb for first person and third person plural subject, except for third person singular subject, the verb end, in s/es. Usually, simple present tense uses an adverb of frequency, such as every day, always, sometimes, seldom, usually, and generally
For example:    I go to the garden every day.
                             Sometime I learn English
                             We always go to school together
Pattern of Simple Present Tense
·         Positive Form of Simple Present Tense
I, we, you, they, +V+O/C
He, she, it +Vs/es+O/V 
                  For example: I have much money
                                          We read a newspaper every day
                                          He goes to bed late
                                          She watches television
                                          You come late
·           Negative Form of Simple Present Tense
In the negative sentence in simple present tense, we put do not or does not after the subject. The pattern is
I, you, we, they + do not + V1
                              He, she, it + does not + V1
                        For example:
-          I don't swim
-          You don't swim
-          He does not swim
-          She does not swim
-          They don’t swim
       Hartanto, at all (2003: 269)
·          Interrogative Form of Simple Present Tense 
According to (Azar, (1989: 20), to express question sentence that needs yes/ no answer is by u sing do/ does before subject. The pattern is:
Do+ I, we you, and they+ V
Does+ he, she, and it+ V
For example     :           Do you understand?
                                              Does my father come to your home?
                                             Do they play a game?
                                             Does she like pentolan?
·         Negative interrogative form of simple present tense
To make the negative interrogative question in the simple present tense, we put do not or does not before subject. The pattern is:
                                          Do not+ I, we, you, they+ V+ O/V?
                                          Does not+ he, she, it+ V+ O/V?
                                          For example:
                                              Do not I have much money?
                                              Do not they play football?
                                              Does not she get job?
                                              Does not he take your book?
In the information question, we use question word who, what, when, and where without do or does
                                          For example:         Who lives in the house?
                                                                        What makes him happy?
When, who, what, and where and do or does will form a question, we put them before subject.
                                              For example:
                                                            What does Doni buy?
                                                            Where do they go?
                                                            When do we study in a group?
                                                            Who does Joni join in the study?
2.    Pattern of simple present tense of verb be (Nominal Sentence)
Simple present tense of verb be is a sentence which replace verb in a sentence because subject is not followed by verb but subject is followed by noun, adjective, and adverbs (Abdullah, (1990: 14)
For example:    I am a teacher
                                She is driver
                                They are students
                                He is handsome
                                Eric is here
                                Ana is there
                                You are kind
·          Positive Form of Nominal Sentence
Nominal sentence explains subject, condition and quality. Usually subject is followed by to be. To be is not followed by verb but it is followed by noun, adjective, and adverbs. It guides the students to construct the nominal sentence in simple present tense.
                   Formula   :  S + to be {am, are, is} + Complement
                     Sample  :  I am a teacher
                                      He is hungry
 You are lazy   
They are bad boy
She is beautiful girl
                             (Hartanto at all (2003: 40)
·           Negative Form of Nominal Sentence
 Negative form of nominal sentence usually used to reject something from other people. The Following is the Patten of negative form of nominal sentence:
 Formula: S + to be {am, are, is} + Not + V + C.
For example:   She is not teacher
         I am not hungry 
        You are not my brother
        They are sure
        He is cruel
·           Interrogative Form of Nominal Sentence 
Interrogative sentence is formulated by following pattern:
Formula: to be {am, are, is} + S +V + C
For example:              - Are you student?
                  - Am I teacher?
                  - Is he like a coffee?  
D.   Uses of Simple Present Tense
 Simple present tense is used to explain about habitual action, general truth, exclamatory, and plan or arrangement, (Hilman (2002:183).
·         Simple present is used to explain and express habitual action in our life. For example:
3.    He drinks coffee every afternoon
4.    I get up at five o’ clock
5.    I go to school every day
·         Simple present is used to state a general truth which can’t be disputed. For example:
1.    The sunrises in the east
2.    Sugar is sweet and salt is salty
3.    One week has seven day
·         Simple present is used to exclamatory sentence, for example:
1.    Here comes the rain
2.    Here goes
3.    There goes the bell
4.    There are many things to be done
·         Simple present is used to explain the plan or arrangement. For instance:
1.    He goes to Jakarta next week
2.    My brother leave for pancor by the next car
Simple present tense is used to express what people use in every day like sentence above. So teacher demands students to learn simple present become base on learning English sentence. Knowing all of these patterns helps students in constructing or writing English sentence.
E.  Constructing English Simple Present Tense
Lado (1961: 21) states that writing is painting graph sign which describing a language and it is understood by everyone. Other people can read that graph signal if they understand the language and the describing of the graph.
Cahyono (2001: 21) states that some writer follows a similar process of writing in their second and first language. English is second language and it has similar process in first language. Students able to create a second language based on the first language to determine subject+ verb+ object or complement for students to write their habitual action using simple present tense and something in daily activity.
F.   Relevant Study
In this part, the writer states the relevant of study which was possible in adding the research point of view to know the correlation between students’ grammar mastery toward students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense.
The first study has done by Nurhidayati (2001). The title was  “The Correlation Between Grammar Mastery Toward English Sentence Constructing for the first year students of  SMPN 2 Aikmel in the school year 2008/2009”  
The second research that found by researcher is done by Rosida (2005) entitled “The Correlation between Grammar and English Sentence for the second year students of SLTP 2 Masbagek in the school year 2004/2005”
From the statement above the writer found a difference and similar of last research and present research. The previous research discussed about grammar and English sentence but the research just discussed English sentence not discussed specific of English sentence in simple present tense like in this present research. In specific, this present research seeked correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense at grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung.
G. Theoretical Framework
        Grammar mastery must be learned by students because grammar guide students in constructing English sentence in communication with other. Cahyono (1997: 75) proposes that communication competence is composed of grammatical competence with communication strategies. Grammar is very important for studying English especially in constructing simple sentence which consists of subject plus a predicate with finite verb.
In line with Cahyono, Frank (1972: 220) state that English sentence usually consist of S+ V+ O/C. Sentence is called a sentence if it consists of S+ V+ O/C and it is followed by grammar structure.
             This chapter discusses about research design, population and sample of the study, research instrument, technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.
A.  Research Design
      The design of this research was correlation research, since researcher was to find the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense at MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011. According to Latief (2006: 4), it seeks to examine the strength and direction of relationships among two or more variable.
The researcher got data from the students at MTs NW Kumbung to know correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense and to find out how significance the correlation was.
In this study, the researcher used multiple choice test, that consisted of 25 items and using writing test to know the writing skill of students. In this case, the researcher asked the students to describe a picture. The result of students each test, the writing test and multiple choice test, help the researcher to find whether there was or no the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense.
B.  Population and Sample of the Study
      In this part, the writer describes about population and sample for taking data.
a.       Population of the research
      The population of this study covered of the second year students of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011. Arikunto (1998: 115) states that the whole of the research subject is called population research.
      The researcher took all the population from grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung which had 44 students as the sample. MTs NW Kumbung had only two classes for grade VIII and each of class had 22 students, so it was called population research as proposed by Arikunto (1998: 115) .
C.  Research Instrument
       Research instrument was very important for the researcher. It helped the researcher in collecting data from the subjects. The researcher needed instrument to gain the data. The instrument of research helped of the researcher to get the target data easily. The researcher designed of this study with sample in table 3.1.

Table 3.1 total of population

In this study, the researcher used two kinds of tests; there were 25 items for multiple choices for grammar test and describing a picture for writing test. In these test, students described a picture in 5 sentences in simple present tense.
1.      Grammar Test
In this test, the researcher tried to know the ability of students in understanding grammar especially simple present tense. These test consisted of 25 questions in form of multiple choices and the number of students who followed the test was 44 students.
The researcher did this test in two classes, class A and class B and students answered the question base on their ability and understanding in grammar mastery.
2.      Writing Test
This test had correlation to grammar test previously. The researcher in this case, asked the students to describe something they saw in picture prepared in the test.
  The aim of this test was measure the students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense and to give researcher the data needed in this research. Both data were compared to see the correlation between grammar mastery and the ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense.
a.      Validity of Instrument
      The test is called valid if it measures what should be measured. Heaton (1989: 159) states that the validity of test is the extent to which it measures on what it is supposed to measure.
      The validity of instrument was important to measure a validity of the test. The test was taken from material of grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011.
b.      Reliability of Instrument
      Reliability was important in the test in taking data. It supported research to determine of the instrument used. Ary, et.all (2002: 49) says that reliability is important in a test to get reliable result of measurement. To know the reliability of test, the researcher used the reliability formula as follows:
r –xy = koefisien korelasi pearson product-Moment
∑   = Sum
x    = score of test x
y    = score of test y
x    = mean score of test x
y    = mean score of test y
Sx = deviation of x
Sy = deviation of y
N   = number of subject
Soenardi, (2008: 173)
D.  Technique of Data Collection
In collecting data, the researcher took out the students’ grammar mastery and student’s ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tenses of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010/2011.
In collecting data, the researcher took the students’ test score with used multiple choice test and writing in describing picture. The researcher collected data base on the result of tests had given to the students of MTs NW kumbung.
E.  Technique of Data Analysis
      The researcher had three procedures to analyze the data:
1.    Giving the students multiple choices and writing tests.
2.    Classifying the value of tests based on the students answer.
3.    Calculating the level of correlation between two variables by using product-moment pattern.
From the procedure above, the researcher got it easy to take the data from the students of MTs NW Kumbung especially students grade VIII. This technique, the researcher to find out the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense.

            In this chapter, the researcher presents about research result and discussion
A.   Research Result
Dealing with the students’ grammar mastery, the score of grammar mastery was 30-65, (Se Appendix 2). After that the writer calculated the mean score of entry the students, the value of mean score of students grammar mastery was 47.2. The formula used was:
            M         : mean score
            N         : number of subject
            ∑x       : students total score
M= 2077/44          
M= 47,2
In the other hand, the writer calculated standard deviation of grammar mastery (Sx). The value of standard deviation of students’ grammar mastery was 9.20.the formula used was:
                  : Total dispute of
            S                      : Standard deviation
            N                     : Number of subject
Sx            =
Sx            =
While, for the students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense, the score was 3-7 from 44 students (See Appendix: 3). After the writer calculated the mean score of students in this test, the value of the mean score of constructing English sentence in simple p[resent tense was 5,1. The formula used was:
                        M         : mean score
                        N         : number of subject
                        y       : total score of students in test y
M: 225/44
                        M: 5.1 
The writer then calculated the standard deviation of students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense (Sy). The value of Sy was 1.1. The formula used was:
                    : Total dispute of
             S                      : standard deviation
             N                     : number of subject
Sy           =

Sy           =

Based on the description the mean score and standard deviation score of grammar mastery and constructing English sentence in simple present tense above, the value of mean score in students’ grammar mastery was 47.2 and it was value of standard deviation was 9.20. The mean score of writing sentence was 5.1, and the value of standard deviation was 1.1.
From the data above, the writer found a value of correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense was 0,78.

Table 4.1 the sequence of correlation level
Kadar korelasi
Lumayan tinggi
Dapat di abaikan

                                                                                    Soenardi (2008:168)

Based on the result research the researcher said that students’ grammar mastery and students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense had correlation ship with correlation in the level of 0.78.
B.   Discussion
This part presented the discussion about the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in nconstructing English sentence in simple present tense for students grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung in the school year 2010.2011.
a.       Students Grammar Mastery in Junior High School Of Students MTs NW Kumbung
 The writer found solution after the test of grammar mastery and the result research. In this test the writer used multiple choices which consisted of 25 items and students score in this test was 30-65. The mean score of grammar mastery was 47.2 and standard deviation ofgrammar mastery was 9.20 (See Appendix: 5). Total dispute of  was 3727.16 (See Appendix: 2)
b.      Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense at Students Grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung
In this part, the writer presented the result test of constructing English sentence in simple present tense. From this case, the writer got enough data to find correlation between students’ grammar mastery and writing test. In this test the writer got mean score of writing test, was 5.1. The standard deviation score was 1.1 (See Appendix: 5). Total score of dispute of  was 51.64 (See Appendix: 3)
c.       The Correlation between Students Grammar Mastery toward Students Ability in Constructing English Sentence in Simple Present Tense
The writer found out the correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense by using product-moment pattern. By the result of research, the writer proved that they had correlation with category fairly high. Based on the sequence of correlation level in which the score was 0.78. The formula used was:
          ∑(x-) : total score of (x-)
          ∑(y-) : total score of (y-)
          N         : number of subject
Sx        : standard deviation of x
Sy        : standard deviation of y
r-xy= 0,78
After the researcher found out correlation between students’ grammar mastery towards students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense at students grade VIII of MTs NW Kumbung, the researcher proved that the correlation was in high level at grade VIII and the hypothesis was accepted.


This chapter was devoted to sum up the discussion in the previous chapter for this purpose the conclusion and suggestion is presented in line with the objective of the study.
A.       Conclusion
After going though the data analysis, the writer concluded that the students’ grammar mastery had relationship with students’ ability in constructing English sentence in simple present tense for students’ grade VIII of MTs NW kumbung in the school years 2010/2011. In addition, students’ grammar mastery supported students’ ability in constructing English sentence in daily activity in the room or out room especially in the school.
B.       Suggestion
With respect the finding, of the study, the writer liked to present some suggestion as follows:
1.    The students’ grammar mastery should be increased in other to increase the ability of constructing English simple present tense.
2.    The teacher English must increase the ability in grammar mastery or teacher will give understanding about grammar to students
3.    Students will study hard to get understanding about grammar and constructing English sentence base on grammar and structure.
4.    The researcher must make students to like and stimulate students’ brain for happy in study English in the research.
5.    The findings of the study are also expected to other researcher to make it as a reference to investigate the middy similar case, in other achieve the comprehensive research result.

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