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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

proposal experiment

A.    Background of the Study
Language is one of means the communication is used to convey the ideas, feeling, massage, expectations, and so on. English is the first foreign language in Indonesia, which is very important to be learned by the students, especially in developing science and technology, arts, cultures, and to develop the education sector by employing the exchange students program with the other countries.
English is foreign language that must be studying by everyone in Indonesia, because it is using an international language. English is not only utilizing in daily communication, but also in informal education, beginning from elementary school to university level. English is a compulsory subject which must be learning by students, in order to get knowledge of English, especially, the students of university or college; they have to master English to expand their English ability to whole aspects.
According to Hughes and Cable (2003, p.2), language is primary speech, it means that, language is the first important need in our life to communicate and interact, which is in our communication that involve those skill. It means receptive and productive skill. Blonch and Trager (2003, p.2) say that language is a means of social communication. It means that, language means sociolinguistic that involves the use of language and language uses which contains those skill as well.
Richard and Renandya (2002, p.273) state that good reading text also provide good model for writing and provide opportunities to introduce new topics to stimulate discussion and study language. The 1994 English curriculum mentioned that a goal of students to learn English at MA is to process reading, listening, speaking, and writing skill. In English, the theme chooses in based on the developing grade and interest of vocabulary mastering (more and less than 3000 words for the English program) and suitable grammar. So, consequently among for the basic skills of language it is stressed on reading skill.
In teaching learning process especially English subject, the teacher often finds the passive activity. It means that, when the teacher gives an explanation about reading text, the students do not focus and try to understand the text. Otherwise the students will get sleepy. Basically reading skill needs to active in teaching and learning process and comprehend about reading text. The achievement of teaching learning process especially in teaching English reading comprehension needs active readers, because reading skill is an active process in getting new information and knowledge base on the reading text.
The present researcher finds out three problems in teaching English which is caused low achievement in English students are namely : (1) the perception of the students, English is very difficult, (2) low supporting of the students family or parent and (3) the teachers are non active and unprofessional. In this case, the present researcher recommends the interactive practice by employing this approach and the students are expected to have good competence and ability in English reading skill.
Right know, the English of MA NW Kabar students’ skill low it can be seen from the result of evaluation of English. Therefore, the present researcher aims to investigate the students’ achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012.

B.     Scope of the Study
The study merely include about subject and object of the study.
1.        The subject of study is the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012.
2.        The object of the study to limit on the students achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text.

C.    Statement of the Problems
Based on the background of the problem above, the present researcher formulates the the problem of this investigation as follows :
1.      Is there students achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012?
2.      To what extent is the student achievement in reading comprhension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012?

D.    Purpose of the Study
1.      To find out student’s achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012.
2.      To find out whether and to what extent of the students achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012.

E.  Significance of the Study
       The result of this study is expected to give contribution the theoretically and practically.
1.      Theoretically
a.       To give some additional contribution to the development of English     teaching, especially in teaching reading comprehension.
b.      The result of this research can give the information about teaching reading    technique at the beginner level.
c.       The result of this research can be used as reference for the other researcher to research the case similar.
2.      Practically
a.       The result of this study is useful for the language teacher in general and English teacher particularly.
b.      In this study is able to enrich the teacher’s knowledge in terms of teaching approaches of English reading comprehension.
c.       The finding of this study is to serve as an attempt to contribute to the more effective testing reading comprehension at SMA/MA

A.    Reading Skill
1.      General Concept of Reading
Although, on the world wide level, the format of teaching reading skills. May differ according to local circumstance, the 1994 English GBPP stresses the implementation of teaching reading skill unit. It means that reading is taught integral with the other language skill. Such as teaching vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and text.
Lado ( 1961, p.71 ) says that, the development of reading skill mostly occurs in this stage. To be effective reader, the pupils should be able to (1) scan; (2) skim; (3) read between the lines; (4) read intensively; and (5) reduce meaning from context. Scans means that the pupils glance rapidly through the text to get specific information. Skim means that the pupils glance or read the text quickly to get general information. Read between the lines means that the pupils get the meaning or obtain the information of the text from line too. Read intensively means that the pupils play their concentration in reading to get detail information. From the context means, the pupils take a conclusion or the information of the text from the context of text.
According to Nuttal (1996, p.23) the authentic reason for reading is the readers attempt or activity to get information from written language such as fart, ideas, enjoyments, in order word the readers want to get the message from the written text that has been expressing. So, whatever definition we have relates to the comprehension, but the main point is that the readers want to get or understand the present researcher ideas print on the text. To get this purpose the readers should be comprehend it, because comprehension is playing very important role. As we know that comprehension is a process of obtaining information from the context by using previous knowledge to interpretation the meaning of the text. The readers also should have a capability to identify the text structure to obtain the text comprehensively.
Meanwhile, Marshall (1988, p.29) stares one can read actively by giving responses on the reading material. The responses include the acting out or role playing what reading about answering the questions, and discussing the ideas that has read about. And then answering the questions, discussing the ideas and impressing the choices from among alternative responses as indicate of comprehension which is, in learning the fact or events, giving the passage a title, making inference about the other paraphrasing, retelling, summarizing and deciding statement are true or false.
2.      Micro and Macro of Reading
Douglas H, (2000, p.187) states that the micro of reading as following:
a.    Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic patents of English.
b.     Process writing at and efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose
c.    Recognize a core of word, and interpret word order patents and their significance.
d.   Recognize grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc). System (e.g. tense, agreement, pluralization), patents, rules, and elliptical forms.
e.    Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in the different grammatical forms
f.     Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the relationship between and among clauses.
While macro of reading as follows:
1.    Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation.
2.    Recognize the communicative function of written text, according to form and purpose.
3.     Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge.
4.    From described event, ideas, etc. Infer links and connections between events, deduce causes and effects, and detect such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, generalization, and exemplification.
5.     Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.
6.     Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of the appropriate cultural schemata.
7.     Develop and use a battery of reading strategies, such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of text.
3.       Reading Comprehension
The capability of reading comprehension is one of the skills that should be owned by every student who learn English. The purpose of teaching reading comprehension at senior high school is able to comprehend and to interpret the reading material through observation and absorption.
            Yulius (1998, p.12) states that “reading means comprehend the meaning of writing”. Based on the quotation, it can be said that reading is not only able to spell about the content of the text one by one, but also the most important one comprehend the content of writing on reading material.
According to Douglas (2001, p.277) states that, reading for comprehension is the primary purpose of reading (through this sometimes overlooked when the students asked to read the difficult text). In raising the students awarness of main ideas in a text and explores the organization of the text essential for a good comprehension. Comprehension is making a since out of text (Carrel, 1998, p.12) states that, reading in this case is the result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbols that represent language and the readers prior knowledge. As  the result of interaction, reading (comprehension) is a process of getting information from context and combining disparate elements into a new whole, it is process of using readers existing knowledge (schemata) to interprete text in order to to construe meaning. Reading is this process does not only involve the readers schemata about the text, but also the readers ability to identify the text structures to get the meaning of the text comprehensively.
            In addition, Santono (1997, p.3) suggests there are, the ways to be able to comprehend reading text. Base on the statement above there are three types to comprehend reading text, first readers need concentrate to important word. Second, reader needs to know about the image of the whole of reading text. Third the reader needs to determine about information which they know.
4.      Factors Influencing of Reading Comprehension
Whereas according to the other definition from Cricisoe and Gee (1996, p.9) states that there are some factors: which are important of influencing to get successful in reading comprehension.
a.       The text and comprehension
The way in which ideas are written down certainly effects comprehension.
b.      Reader and environment
Comprehension is influenced by the physical and emotional environments in which the students reading.
c.       Reader factors in comprehension
There are some factors influence comprehension, they are the previous knowledge or experience, readers, interest, readers thinking and verbal abilities and the way of the reader organizes the data.
After analyzing some definition above, the present researcher concludes that it is mainly two factors influence reading comprehension ability that is reinforcement. Internal and external factors or linguistic factors and non linguistic factors. The linguistic factors are related to the element such as structure, vocabulary, and orthography. Whereas the non-linguistic factors are related to attitude, motivation, personality, teacher, facility, intelligence, culture, social environments. If the readers can master both linguistic factors and non-linguistic factors, they will not have difficulties in comprehending any English text.
There are some internal factors and external factors:
1)      Internal Factors     
a.       Level of Intelligence
There is no doubt that intelligence plays are important role in determining the success of the learners. With Higher intelligence student will gain higher achievement on their learning. On the other hand lower intelligence of students will get lower achievement on their subject. In accordance to the student’s intelligence, score theories agree that intelligence influence on the student’s ability in reading. Here is one summarized work proposed by channels “level of general intelligence is one of the factors closely conditioning success in reading, but it is connected more with the power of understanding accurately and quickly what is read than with the level of word recognizing.
b.      Special Mental Abilities
Special abilities, here, are including visual and auditory discrimination of word pattern. Base on some factors the ability of some differs from the others. These mental capabilities are partly possessed by nature and the student’s effort. Harris and Libya 9 (1997, p. 21) Quoted Taylors statement about mental abilities “it is obvious that the child at birth is not ready to read. Before he can begin this enterprise, he must have sufficient visual activity to recognize slight differences in the complicated pattern of the words. He must have sufficient auditory discrimination to tell one complex sound from other, since orientation in both hearing and vision before he appreciates the meaningful structure of words seen and words heard.
c.       Emotional Attitude
Some expert agrees that emotion is a very influential to student’s achievement pupils is eager to learn when he or she feels the subject material presented by teachers is interesting. This also, depends like or dislikes cases. When the students like the subject, they will learn it enthusiastically. Shortly student eager to learn can be highlight by praising, encouraging giving positive reinforcement.
2)      External Factors
Teacher has to responsible for the student’s success on reading activity. The teachers for example can prepare the material the students need for the reading class applies the most suitable method, which depend on the class condition. Furthermore Richards, (1996, p.3) summarize the roles of language teachers into two areas: (a) primary roles as facilitator, a teacher facilitates the communication process among all students in the classroom and between students and teachers various activities, (b) teacher as organizer of resources, a teacher is a guide the classroom activities.

B.     Teaching Reading Comprehension
1.  Teaching Reading at MA/SMA
Teaching is reading especially students of SMA should be reflect the consideration. The reader of English are hoped to realize the aim of teaching reading To train students to develop the reading skills as Mary Spatt (1985, p.65) said that the skills are: 1) Recognizing the letters word, 2) Reading groups of letter as word, 3) Understanding the meaning of vocabulary items, 4) Understanding the grammar of sentence, 5) Understanding the meaning of punctuation, 6) Recognizing the effect of the style, 7) Making inferences, 8) Reading longer text, 8) Skimming for gist, 9) Reading for detail, 9) Making references
a.    To prepare students to be effective and efficient readers to get information or for fun.
The method used to teach reading is often inherent in the materfor generaials available. For generation however good teacher have been adding their individual stamp to official methods. So that the individual needs of learners can be met. Additional practice material beyond those included the textbooks, the personality of a situation in a story or the expection or contracting of a lesson just a few of the ways in which the teacher adjust to the textual structures of limited.
The long range goals which good teachers have usually kept in mind for reading instruction are following:
1)        The encouragement of the full use of an individual’s capacities in this reading, so that his influence on his culture can be optimum, as well as hisself realization.
2)        The efficient use of  reading as a tool of learning and inquiry, as well as the pleasurable use of reading for relaxation and escape.
3)        The broadening of student’s reading interest beyond the present escape.
4)        The encourage of an attitude toward reading which will lead to a life time interest in reading of many kinds and many purpose.
                                                                     Emerland (1977, p. 44).
While these goals may seem remote to the teachers facing many children everyday in the classroom. They are neverthless overiding concern of literacy education, concerns which most effective teachers bear in mind as they strive to give their classroom instruction its highest meaning. In addition, specific activities are required which make up many of the short range goals of reading instruction. Setting up instruction situation which will encourage the learner to grow from his present stage of reading to a higher level is the day to day responsibility of a teacher.
Learning to read appears to depend on a successful interaction among three main factors:
1)      The language, the specific writing system which is being taught in each instance.
2)      The learner, the person or group of person who are to acquire that subject matter.
3)      The method adopted in leading the pupis to acquire the specific subject matters.
The stage of teaching reading as follows:
a)      Presentation
Presentation is explained the material giving the student some question about materials monitoring and giving the material to the students.
b)      Practice
Practice is asking the students to find out the difficult word ordering the student to do the exercise discussing the answer together
c)      Production:
After teaching learning activity, the students can answer the question.
(William and Wallace (2000, p. 10).
The technique of teaching reading can be though communicative activities, the procedure to present vocabulary can be given through many kinds of games, such as, synonym, riddle, last letters, antonyms and so on. Teaching reading at SMA, the teacher should conduct and make well planning through three major stages; they are pre reading activities, post reading activities, and while reading activities, (Nuttal, 1996, p.25).
2.  Technique of Teaching Reading
Reading  widely is highly effective means of extending our command of language. So it has an important place in classroom, where language learning is the central purpose.
Many foreign languages, the learners must have specifict need dealing with overseas customer, keeping up to date with research in nuclear physic, which have nothing to do with language. Language is simply the vehicle, conveying the message, which is important to them. Whereas, in language classroom the message is too often vehicle conveying the language.
In teaching reading activities, the teacher should conduct three steps that can help the students to be familiar with reading text. The teaching reading comprehension as follows:
a)      Pre Reading Activities
In pre reading activities, the teacher will introduce and increasee the students interest to the topic, give motivation provides some language preparation to learn for the text and the students interest to the topic of the text, followed by questions from them discussion pairs or in group. While, the teacher can use picture related with the topic of the text.
b)      While Reading Activities
   In while reading activities, the students are asked to discuss reading text. Before beginning to read, the teacher may give the key word of the content of reading text, which is taught to be able to bring the students understanding the content of reading text. In this case, the questions must not too difficult; the question can factual and refrential.
c)      Post Reading Activities
In post reading activities, the teacher will probably recognize some kinds of follow up activities. It is done after the students have finished and understood the content of the reading text and also. In this activity the teacher will check the students understanding before the teacher stopping the discussion, (Nuttal, 1996, p.48).

3.  Strategies of Teaching Reading
Guthrie (2003, p.9) states some strategies in teaching reading, the strategies consist of following:
1.         Activating background knowledge refers to recalling reading, the strategies and information related to the topic to be read in a context or classroom discussion. Such activation may occur before during and after reading as necessary to faster the construction of the text meaning or to deepend the understanding of a text consisting of a paragraph or section.
2.         Questioning refers to the students request for information about a topic. Students questions are based on what they are already know and are directed to information that might be learned from reading available text.
3.         Searching information refers to process of locating particular ideas or fact within a larger set of the text such as a chapter or a book. Searching is especially important for using electronic media such as websites and it is valuable for understanding project in content area such as science and social studies.
4.         Summarizing refers to getting the central content and supporting information of selected text. Summarizing may be conducted with a single paragraph or an entire story.
5.         organizing graphically refers to transforming text information text from a linkier from of written language to a spatial display.
6.         Structuring stories refers to organizing the content of the text narrative according to plot, chapter, setting, and theme.
4.  The Curriculum Objective of Teaching Reading Skill
According Shabihatun Munawarah, (2006, p.1) sates that there are some efforts to improve the human resources; in this year government has made a significant effort in education field. The government has been determining and examination standard for every student at the elementary school level or senior high school level.
The government has determining that standard because of the quality of educational in Indonesia is still very low when compared with the quality of education in other developing countries, therefore to reach the quality of education in Indonesia, the government make curriculum that is perfect according to national standard. The quality of education is needed standard for creating the life and improving the intelligent, the peaceful, opened, democratic and welfare for all of Indonesia citizen, the perfect of the curriculum is done responsively to the application of human right, democratic life, globalization, autonomy region.
Based on the national and international standard, the curriculum is necessary to be developed by applying the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). This case must be implementing in order the system of national education can be actively to some developing information, knowledge, technology, art, and also centralization. By this technique, the intuition of the education will not lose their relevancy in the learning program to the importance of the region and the characteristic of students and also they have flexibility in implementing the curriculum.
The Competency Based Curriculums is applies at the whole subject. One of them is a language subject, where naturally studying the language is studying how to communicate; therefore language learning is directed to improve the capability to communicate by using a good language orally either written form. Language learning improves the language skill and also to improve the capability and to enlarge the knowledge. As is to know that language has four skills such as, reading, writing, listening, speaking. From the four skill of language mentioned above, reading skill is also important and it cannot be neglected. It can from the habit of the reading support the efforts to educate the life of generation and improve the qualities of human resources, particularly to improve the quality of education.
According to Tarigan (1979, p.3) states by reading, the knowledge of the students will gradually increase which it may cause the increase in the other language skills such as listening, speaking, and writing, even the knowledge and experience obtain from reading will make wide intellectual abilities.
Furthermore, reading activity provides the language input, the same as listening. This fact shows that the teaching of reading is important to get attention seriously and reading is not looking as a stair to speaking and writing activity but also should be developing every time.
Such reality looks like something exaggerated but the present researcher realizes that a large number of books either scientific or non scientific of written in English; and the language becomes more and more essential. Larson (2005, p. 2) points out that English is the key of transferring information, which can be useful, along with the skill based on that sort of information, for triggering the development processes in every part of life. Based on the phenomenon above, the present researcher intends to investigate the student’s achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW KABAR in the school year 2011/2012.

C.    Text
1.      Definition of Text
This is a product  the sense that it is an output, something that can be recorded and studied; having a certain constraction that can be represented in systemaytic terms Halliday (1989, p.19). According to Crystal (1992, p.350) text are seen as language unit which have definable communicative function, characterised by such principles as cohession, coherent and affirmativeness, which can be used provide a formal definition.
Text is the simple way in saying language that is being done on some job; some context as opposed to isolated words or sentences might put on the black board (Halliday, 1989, p.10). Text is the reading passage should be similar to type reading materials with which the students have been confronted in this work class (Heaton, 1975, p.77).
Concerning the level of the difficulty of a text (Heaton, 1975, p.69) states that, on the whole the difficulty level of a text, however, should consider with the level of students’ proficiency in English. We must remember that the reading matter used outside the test situation (e.g. simplified readers) should be select for enjoyment and should thus be at the lower level than the actual standard of the reading skill required.
2.      Types of Text
According to Hartono (2000, p.36) there are four types of reading text.
a.    Descriptive text is a text describe the way person, animals or the things appear. It’s normally text in three forms whether informally in three form in three form informative to identify the object, evocation recreates the impression made by an object, and analytical descriptive to understand the structure of an object.
b.    Narrative text is a text narrates occurences or series of events in story requiring the reader to tell what had happened. In order word, narrative text is begun by explanations what to do the first and finished by by describing what to do last. Although narrative text usually refers to the telling of story. The term used here to describe the relating of experiences. That experiences may be in the past (past narration) or it may be typical experience (what people usually do), or it may be going on now (present narrative).
c.    Explorative text is a text which referential term. It seeks to explain someone or something in the word outside of the present researcher.
d.   Argumentation text is a argument involves and emphasis of proving or persuasion.
Following Nida (1988, p. 13) there are four types of (literary or non literary) text:
a.    Narrative; a dynamic squence of events, where the emphasis in on  the verbs.
b.    Description; which is static, which emphasis is on linking verbs, adjectives,adjectival noun.
c.    Discussion, a treatment of ideas, whith emphasis is on abstract nouns (concept), verbs of thought, mental activity, logical argument and connection.
d.   Dialogue, with emphasis on colloquialism and pacifism.
3.      Kinds of Text
Base on hand book the access to English competence for senior high school there are 13 of text like procedure text, recount text, spoof text, anecdote text, description text, report text, narrative text, news text, analytical text, hortatory exposition text, explanation text, discussion text, and review text.
a.    Procedure Text
Procedure text is to describe how something is accomplished the structural of the Text
b.      Goal
c.       Material
d.      Steps.
For the Sample:

1 egg, 50 g cheese, ¼ cup milk, 3 tablespoons, cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.

Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, and plate.

1.     Crack an egg into bowl
2.     Whish the egg with a fork until is smooth
3.     Add the milk and whisk well
4.     Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5.     Heat the oil in a frying pan
6.     Pour the mixture into the frying pan
7.     Turn the omelet with a spatula when is browns
8.     Cook both sides
9.     Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper
10. Eat while warm
b.    Recount Text
Recount text is rettel event for the purpose of informing  or entertaining. The structure of the text:
-       Orientation             : provide the setting and introduce participant.
-       Event                      :tell what happened, in what sequence
-       Re-orientation         : optimal closer or event
For the example:
On Wednesday, my students and I went to jogyakarta. We stayed at dirgahayu hotel which is not far from malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temple in perambanan. There are three temples, the berahmana, sywa, and wisnu temple. They are really amazing. We visited only berahmana and sYwa temple because wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning, we went to yogya kraton.  we spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at 4 p.m. we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

c.    Spoof
Spoof to retell an event with homorous twist. The structure of the text:
-       Orientation
-       Event
-       Twisty
For example:
Jack was a young sailor. He live in England but he often went away with his ship.
One summer he came back from along voyage and found a new neighbor near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter, and jack soon loved her very much.
He said to her, my voyage will begin in a few day’s time, Gloria I love you, and I will marry you when I come back. I will think about you all the time and I will write to you and send you a present from every port.
Jack’s first port was freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there it could speak five languages.
When jack’s ship reached Australia, there was a letter from Gloria. It said, “thank you far the parrot, jack. It tasted much better than a chicken.”
d.   Annecdote
Annecdote text is a genre which deals with something unexpected or unusual. The structure of the text:
-       Abstract      : signals the retelling of an unusual incident
-       Orientation : sets the scene
-       Crisis           : provide details of the unusual incident
-       Reaction     : reaction to crisis
-       Coda           : optional-reflection an or evaluation of the incident.
            For the example:
You might have ever heard of dogs being used as guards. We have also known that banks. Jewelry shops and some homes have security guards. We have also read about famous or important persons who are always protected by bodyguards. But have you ever heard of snakes being employed as night-watchmen?
Larry montgomery’s petrol station in new orlens, lousiana in the USA’ uses two snakes as patrolmen.
larry decided to make such use of snakes after thieves had broken into his petrol station a number of times. At first, he had dogs, but he soon found out burglars could easily kill dogs. Larry knew that many people afraid of snakes.
Then, since larry started to use the snakes as guards, he found that burglars are not so keen an breaking into his station anymore. Once some burglars broken in. they were busy going through some drawer when the snakes suddenly appeared. Immediately the burglars abandoned their search and ran away.
So now, when larry closes the station every night before going home, he sets the snakes loose. These creatures will than crawl about inside the office until the next morning when larry comes to open the station.
e.    Description
Description is to describe a particular persons, thing, animal or place. The structure f the text:
-       Identification: identifies phenomenon to be describe.
-       Description: describ parts, qualities and characteristics.
For the example:

I have a pet. It is dog, and I call it brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school. Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.
f.      Report
Report to describe the way thing are.the structure of the text.
-       General classification.
-       Desccription.
For the example:

A tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm. Is one of the most destructive of all the storm that are we have on earth tornado is also called waterspout.
A tornados is long cloud with comes down from the sky. It is like funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hour.
Whether scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur.   Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.
g.    Narrative Text
Narrative text is to amuse, to entertain and to deal with actualor vicarious experience in defferent ways, narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or tuning point of some lands, which intern friends a resolution. The structure of the text:
-       Orientation             : set the scene and introduce the participant.
-       Complication          : a crisis arises.
-       Resolution              : the crisis is to solved for the worse.
For the example:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lives with her stepsisters and her stepmother. There were very bossy. She had to do the housework.
One day an invitation to the ball camp to family. Her stepsister would not let her go, so Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her.
Fortunately, the fairy godmother can and helped her get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her and than he married her. They lived happily ever after.
h.    News Item
News item to inform reders, listener or viewer about of the day which are considered news worthy or important. The strructure of the text:
-       Newsworthy event
-       Background of event
-       Sources
For the example:

Singapore a man was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid, news report said on Thursday.
Shafiq woon Abdullah admitted in a Singapore court  that the physically abused the woman on several occasions between june and October 2002.
The magistrate’s court heard that shafiq, 31, began striking winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him. He hit her on the head with the TV remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of day creaming.
       S. S dhillon, shafiq’s lawyer, said is client lost ”better senses” when he saw his daughter’s face covered as she lay in bed he said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger DPA.  
i.      Analytical Exposition
Analytical exposition is design to persuade the reader or listener that samething in the case. The structure of the text:                                                                                                  
-       Thesis  
Position: introduce topic and indicates the present researchers position
Preview: outlines the main arguments to be presented
-       Arguments
Point : retates main arguments outlined in the preview.
Elaboration: develop and supports each point.
-       Reiteration
For the example:

Do you know that if you are too fat, you many have serious problems with your health? A group of doctor wrote a report about some of the effect of too much fat.
One important effect is on the heart. If you are fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack, or it may lead to other heart problems. Extra fat can change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious diseases, such as diabetes.
High blood pleasure as another possible result of being fat.
More studies are needed about all these problems, but one thing is clear: extra fat can make your life shorter.
j.      Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is design to persuade the readers that something should be or should not be the case. The structure of the text:
-       Thesis                      : announcement of issue concern
-       Arguments              : reason for concern, leading to recomendation.
-       Recommendation   : statement of what ought or not to happen.
For the sample:
Television has a great influence on our ideas about what is right and wrong, about the way we should behave, and about life in general.
Sometimes the value and life styles that we get from television are in conflict with those that are taught at home and school. Critics on television point out that crime and western programs often appear to a taste of violence, while many game shows appeal to greed.
Many critics also believe that television should be used for socially constructive purpose as well as for entertainment.
k.    Explanation
Explanation is to explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena. The structure of the text:
-       A general statement
-       Explanation
-       Closing
For the example:

Wood chipping is a process used to obtain paper product from forest uses. The wood chipping process begins the tress are cut down in a selected area of the forest.
Next the tops and branches of the tress are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to chipper which cut them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage they are exported in this from or changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
l.      Discussion
Discussion to present two points of view about an issue. Structure of the text:
-       Thesis
-       Argument “for” point
-       Argument “againt” point
-       Conclussion
For the example:

In this modern era, technology has developed into such a certain degree that scientists are able to create new forms of life. One of them is cloning. The debate whether cloning at animals is allowed or not seems never endless.
Those who agree with the cloning at animals usually argue that the seed produced from them can be used to everlasting rare species. They also add that cloning has a purpose to produce high quality of seeds. Many species are becoming rare and rare. Scientists are concerned if they don’t do anything to save the species, these animals will be extinct and this means a big loss in the animal kingdom.
However, not everyone is excited about cloning at animals. Some people feel that it can have a terrible consequence. For example, if dinosaurs are cloned, then men will be destroyed. It is clear that the beats cant’s live together with humans. In history, these creatures lived several thousand years before men appeared. Can you imagine these giant killing creatures live in the same era and in the same planets with us?
As a result of this controversy, people still have not got the answer yet for cloning at animals. While some members of the scientific community think that the banning of cloning technology will destroy the creativity of science.
m.  Review
Review to critize a work art or event for a publict audience. The structure of the text:
-       Orientation
-       Interpretation
-       Evaluation
-       Evaluation summation.
For the example:
OST (Original Soundtrack) Of Brownies

Is chosen as the first single of the album and theme song of brownies, since the lyric reflects the story in the movie.
When Hanung Beramantyo (the director) and Dewa Budjana of GIGI was chatting, budjana expressed his interest in making a soundtrack album. Then, be recommended a few of GIGI songs, which the producer accepted because of the chemistry they created with the  movie, the producer deemed it unnecessary to find other musicians to complete OST of brownies.
Armand Maulana (vocal), I Gede Dewa Budjana (guitar), Thomas Ramadhan (bass), and Gusti Erhandhy (drum) put a lot of effort into this album. Budjana demonstrated his skills in playing acoustic guitar in “cina terakhir” three other brand new a song: dilemma, jangan bilang pacarku, and semua orang berhak mendapat bahagia give supporting nuances to the movie flow as GIGI composed them by imagining how the scenes would look like based on the screenplay. As a result, they have created perfect blend of movie and song that makes brownies tastier.
It is always fun to have a piece of brownies in your mouth. But having it in your stereo set is more entertaining. No movie is prefect without musical score and OST of BROWNIES has proved it excellent

D.    Narrative Text
This part, the present researcher present concept of narrative text, generic structure of narrative text, characteristic of narrative text, language features of narrative text, and example of narrative text.
1.    Concept of Narrative Text
Meyers (2005: 52) states that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of communicating with others. A good written story lets your reader response to some event in your life as if it was own. They not only understand the event, but it can be felt by them. The action, details, and dialogue put the readers in these seem and make it happen for them. Moreover, Anderson (1997: 8) states that narrative is a piece of text tells a story and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener.
From the definition above, it can be concluded that narrative story is a story tells us about something interesting that has purpose to amuse, entertain or the readers. Narrative text is defined as a text which function is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways.
2.    Generic Structure of Narrative Text
Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning points of some kinds, which in turn find a resolution the stucture of the text (Abdul Ghoffar, 2006, p, 39)
-           Orientation: set the scene and introduce the participant
-           Complication: a crisis arises
-           Resolution:  the crisis is to solved for the better or for the worse.


Orientation Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called cinderella. She lived with her stepsisters her  stepsisters her stepmother. They were bossy. She had to do the housework.
Complication  one day an invitation to the ball come to family. Her stepsister would not let her go, so ciderella was very sad the stepsister went to  The ball without her.
Resolution fortunately, the fairy goodmother came and helped her get to the ball. At the ball, cinderella danced with the prince. The prince felt in love with her and then he merried her. They live happily ever after.

3.    Language Feature of Narrative Text
-  Focus on specific participants
-  Use of material processes
-  Circumstances of time and place
-  Use of past tense
-  Focus on temporal sequence
(Sudarwati, 2007: 74)

E.     Assessing of Reading
In foreign language learning, reading is likewise a skill that teachers simply accept learners to acquire. Basic beginning-level text book in foreign language presuppose a student’s reading ability if only because it is a book that is the medium. Most formal test uses the written word as a stimulus for test-taker response; even oral interviews may require reading performance for certain tasks. Reading arguably the most essential skills for success in all educational contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as we create assessments of general language ability.
In reading so natural and normal that learners should simply be exposed to written text with no particular instruction. Will they just absorb the skills necessary in to convert their perception of a handful of letters into meaningful chunks of information? Not necessarily, for learners of English, two primary huddles must be cleared in order to become efficient readers. First, they need to be able to master fundamental bottom-up strategies for processing separate letters, word, and phrases. As well as top-down, conceptually driven strategies for comprehension. Second, as part of that top- down approach, second language readers must develop appropriate content and formal schemata.
The assessment of reading ability does not end with the measurement of comprehension. Strategic pathways to full understanding are often important factors to include in assessing learners, especially in the case of most classroom assessment that are informative in nature. An inability to comprehend my thus be traced to a need to enhance a test-taker strategies for achieving ultimate comprehension.
The following are criteria for scoring the concept of reading comprehension (Jacob, 1981, p.92).




EXELENT TO VERY GOOD: Knowledgeable, substantive, through development of thesis, relevant to assignment topic.
GOOD TO AVERAGE: Some knowledge of subject, adequate, range, limited development of thesis, mostly relevant to topic, but lacks of detail.
FAIR TO POOR: Limited knowledge of subject, little of topic substance, inadequate development of topic.
VERY POOR: Does not show knowledge of subject, non substantive, or not enough to evaluate. 
Base on the statement above, the present researcher performances the result of indicator, they are:
1.    Pronunciation
Pronunciation can help the reader to comprehend about text and what the other read. So, it is one of part important for the reader. Hidayat (1989, p.28) states that, a process of pronunciation which consider as evidence and support our comprehension of what we are reading).

The criteria for scoring students pronunciation of composition are given below (Jacobs et all, 1981, p. 96)



Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of conversation view errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphiry.
Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured.
Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, , capitalization, paragraphing, poor hand writing, meaning confused or obscured.
Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominated by error of , punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, hand writing illegible or not enough to evaluate.
2.    Grammar
There will be far too many words they have never seen before, the grammar will be (for them) convoluted and the style will finish them off, Harmer (1998, p.68). The reader can not separate from the grammar knowledge because it can help the reader to translate the sentence.
The following are criteria for scoring the language use of the student narrative (Jacobs et all, 1981, p. 95).



Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition.
Good to average: effective but simple constructions, minors problems in complex constructions, several errors in agreement, , tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition but meaning seldom obscured.
Fair to poor: major problem in simple/ complex construction frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition and fragment, runons, meaning confused or obscured.
Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, does not communicate or not enough to evaluate.

3.    Vocabulary
Purposely reading is encouraged by creating an interest in content, by trying in the new experience with the personal background of the learning, by directing the students through the first reading whit guiding and by systematically extending the reading vocabulary Betts (1975, p.512).
The criteria for providing students with scores on student’s vocabulary are presented below (Jacobs et all, 1981, p. 94).



Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word/ idiom choice and usage, word from mastery oppropriate register.
Good to average: adequate range occasional; errors of word/ idiom form, choice, usage meaning confused or obscured.
Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word/ idiom form, choice, usage meaning confused or obscured.
Very poor: essentially translation little knowledge of English vocabulary, word/ idiom forms not enough to evaluate.
4.    Understanding
Grellet (1998, p.182) states that reading comprehension means understanding a written text to extract the required information from it as efficiently as possible. Understanding is base of comprehend because the reader will comprehend if the reader understanding about what it read.
To easy the task of scoring students language use criteria are indeed, needed (Jacobs et all, 1981, p. 94)



Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition.
Good to average: effective but simple constructions, minors problems in complex constructions, several errors in agreement, , tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition but meaning seldom obscured.
Fair to poor: major problem in simple/ complex construction frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, preposition and fragment, runons, meaning confused or obscured.
Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, does not communicate or not enough to evaluate.
Base on four items above, present researcher presents criteria each of indicators. They are:


F.     Relevant Study
In this case, the present researcher will present some relevant studies related to the study. The first study was done by Mustaqiatul fitri (2008). Her studied entitled ‘’Comparative Study Between Student’s Ability in Comprehending Narrative Text and Recount Text for SMA (in MAN Selong In The Year 2007/2008)’’. The statement of problems formulated on her study were to extent is pre-reading activity  effective in facilliting student’s reading  comprehension especially in narrative text, to what extent is while- reading activity effective in facilitating students reading comprehension especially in narrative text, to what extent is post-reading activity effective in facilitating students comprehension. The population of her study was 168 students and the sample was students. She devided the sample into experimental and controll group. She used text as an instrument of study. After he computed the data, she found that the main score of experimental group is higher than the controll group. The result of the students in experimental group 0,95 and for the control group was 0,68.
From those result, it was indicated that the students in experimental group much better than those who where in the control group.
The relevant of this study is the study which is taken by Ilham (2004) entitles ”the teaching of reading skill through interactive approach for the ninth grade students of MTs NW Suradadi in the school year 2008/2009”,
The problems of this study are to what extent is the effect teaching of reading skill through interactive approach for the ninth grade students of MTs NW Suradadi in the school year 2008/2009? And is there any effect teaching of reading skill through interactive approach for the ninth grade students of MTs NW Suradadi in the school year 2008/2009.
In this study Ilham took 50 students as a sample of this study. He conducted the research through 3 phases namely: pre test, treatment, and post test. On his part result Ilham obtain that the teaching of reading skill through interactive approach for the ninth grade students of MTs NW Suradadi in the school year 2008/2009 had significant effect in increasing the students’ ability in understanding reading skill.
Based on the research conducted by Ilham above, the researcher concludes the research above, has some variable with this research which focuses on the students reading skill.
The study that is relevant, the study was conducted by Winarti. 2010. The title of the study was “The Effect of Students Oral Presentation Toward Students Respond In Teaching Reading Text for the Seventh Grade Students of MTs NW Mu’allimin Pancor in the school year 2009/2010”. The statement of the problem was is there any effect of the students oral presentation toward students respond in teaching reading text for the seventh grade students of MTs NW Mu’allimin Pancor in the school year 2009/2010, and to what extent is the effect of the students oral presentation toward students respond in teaching reading text for the seventh grade students of MTs NW Mu’allimin Pancor in the school year 2009/2010.
The objective of the study was to find out the effect of students oral presentation toward students respond in reading text, and to know effect students oral presentation toward students respond in reading text. In the study, research design that was used a experimental research. The result of the research can be seen from the result of the data analysis which is indicated that the figure of the mean score 20.87 for the experimental group, and 14.7 for the control group. The deviation scores for the experimental group was 1.54 and control group was 1.69 where the highest score of experimental group in the pre-test 18 and lowest scores was 12 and the highest for the control group in pre-test was 16 and lowest score was 8. While the highest score the experimental group in the post-test was 23 and the lowest score was 18. The highest score of the control group in post-test was 17 and the lowest score was 11.

G.    Theoretical Framework
Reading is the most important language skills for student it studies hard. By reading, the knowledge of students will gradually increase, besides, the developing of their ability in other language skills. But, reading without comprehension is empty action because reading comprehension is an active process to get the information from the text being read (Tarigan, 1991, p.56).
Guthrie (2003, p.9) states some strategies in teaching reading. The present researcher should have purpose in reading comprehending in the text. Sometimes students are not able to understand about what they read. So, the present researcher can apply some strategies, such as process approach in order they can understand the text easily and comprehensively.
Further, (Carell, 1988, p1) states that, reading is the process of acquisition such messages from writing text or another sources. So, reading is the main reason why the students learn the language. (Carell, 1988, p.4) states that, reading is not passive but active activity, and infracts reading are an interactive process.
Based on the explanation above, reading is one of the important language skills for students to achieve the success in learning a foreign language. By reading, the students will get more information and experience in which they may increase the language skills such as listening, speaking, and writing.
Base on assessing of reading, present researcher performance the indicator of assessing, they are: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and understand of reading.
The present researcher finds out three problems in teaching English which is caused low achievement in English students are namely: (1). The perception of students, English is very difficult, (2). Low supporting of the students family or parent and (3). The teacher are non active and unprofessional.
Narrative text is a passage on series of connecting event, constitutes a strong (domain in Muhammad, 1995, p. 19). Explain that a strong has some series technique of event in ordered and narrative by story teller for particular purposes.
Therefore, the present researcher decides to investigate student’s achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text for the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school years 2011/2012.


A.    Research Design
                  In a scientific writing, the using of suitable design will make easier and systematic to the present researcher in doing his or her study. To find out the general truth of the research, the present researcher arranges systematic design of research that is using.
In conducting this research, the present researcher uses experimental research design. Arikunto (1998, p.134) classify the experimental design as pre-experimental design, true-experimental design, and quasi-experimental design. Pre-experimental is a design that does not have manipulation variable and random assignment of subject to group or other strategies to control extraneous variable, true-experimental design is a design that using a process of randomization it employs other strategies to provide some controls over extraneous variables.
Based on the explanation above, the present researcher uses an experimental design. The design provides some control and did not include random assignment in this research. Therefore the present researcher categorizes this into quasi-experimental design.
 Furthermore, the present researcher divides the samples of this study into two groups, i.e.: experimental group are taught in the difference material by using different technique. The experimental group is treatment by using students reading comprehension. In this case, the teacher will share some reading text to each of the students to analyze and to find out information in the passage in the text. After analyzing the text, the students ask to present. While, the control group is tread by using technique in language teaching. In this case, the teachers ask the students to read the text then they are giving some question that are relate to the students.
The research design of two groups is formulate as following:
Independent variable

A: The experimental group in narrative text.
B: The control group in descriptive text.
T1: Pre-test.
T2: Post-test.
X: The treatment of the experimental group.
Y: The treatment of the control group.

B.     Population and Sample
Every research should have population as a subject of the research, so in this case the present researcher wants to describe about population and sample of the study.
1.         Population
Population is all of subject of the research or individuals in which as there  are in one area the population of research. So the population of this research is the whole of the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school years 2011/2012. The eleventh year students have two classes, IPA and IPS as displayed an table 1. Population of the study
Sugiyono defines that population is the number of individual people, things or subjects whom a special characters that have point by the present researcher to be investigate and based on the result of the investigation, the present researcher conclude the result of research (Sugiyono, 2008, p. 80).
In this research, the present researcher takes the eleventh years students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012. The numbers of population of this study are 50 students. They are dividing into 2 classes. Clear description can be seen in the following table.                        
Table 1
Population and Sample
Number of Population

2.         Sample
Sample is the least characteristics of population in other words, sample is a process of choosing subject from the entire population that the present researcher investigates in this case, sample is  representative of population the present researcher usually oppoint, how much population that consider would be representative as a sample that is take before. If the population is less that 100, it would be better to take 10-15 or 20-25% or more (Suharsimi, 2002, p.112).
In this research the population is homogeny the small sample can be representative, the population in this study is less than 100, and homogeny characteristicent so the present take IPA and IPS of the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar in the school year 2011/2012 that consists of 50 students. In this case, the present researcher considers the class XI IPA and IPS are representative as a sample in this study.

C.    Research Instrument
In this sub point a present researcher discusses about : try out test, test validity, and test reliability. Arikunto (1998, p.138) says that research method is way that is used to collect the data, but instrument is a tool that is used to collect the data. He says further that instrument is a question or exercises or other tools which used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, and attitudes of someone or group of people.
The kind of instrument is used in this research is objective test. The test designs in the form of multiple choice tests. The score is given to each number of items with determination: score 1 for the right for each item and 0 for the wrong one.
1.      Try Out Test
Before administrating the test of the sample, a try out is conducted to determine to the validity and reliability of the test. The test consist of 25 items and they are try out to IPA, and IPS  who  not belong to do sample of the study. For this all, the present researcher chooses the other subject of the eleventh year students of MA NW Kabar that are consider having similar characteristic.
2.      Validity
A test must be valid and reliable. An instrument is called valid it is able to measure what should be measured to goal of measure mend is for getting illustrated clearly about the investigation of variable. Furthermore, in analyzing the discriminating power, the following formula use.

Where :
ID = Item Discrimination
FH = Frequency high
FL = Frequency low
 N = Total score of both groups,
 (Nurgiantoro, 1995, p.1400).
3.      Test Reliability
Reliability is very important of a test to get reliable result of measurement. Reliability is the stability of test score if it is used, a test is called reliable if it is abtained the suitable data or consistent if it is uses to measure the students achievement in other time or place.
To know about reliability of the test, the present researcher is using the KR-21 Formula as following:

r11           = The reliability of instrument
k          = The number of the test item
Vt        = The total variance
M         = The mean score
(Arikunto, 2002, p.164).

D.    Technique of Collecting Data
In collecting data the present researcher takes data from pre and post test after the instructional activities. The first time the present researcher is preparing narrative text and asks the students to read the text, after that the present researcher asks the students to answer the question provided. The time schedule of the test is consults to the English teacher of the eleventh year students of MA NW KABAR.
To become clearer, technique that is using by the present researcher in collecting the data can be described as follows:
a.       Pre Test
Before treating the groups, the present researcher gives the pre test to the students. The test is aims at finding out the student’s basic knowledge especially in reading text.
b.      Treatment
In the process of treatment, the present researcher gives the same materials to the both group; experimental groups to treat by using story books, while the control groups is treat by speech bubbles.

c.       Post Test
After finishing the treatment, the present researcher gives post test is aims at knowing the students achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text.

E.     Technique of Data Analysis
In analyzing to obtain of the data, the following procedures are using: data description, normality data, hypothesis testing.
1.      Data Description
In research, data description is the most important step the data is describe by using the following formula:
Categorize as follows:
Mi + 1 SDi  to   Mi + 3 SDi  = High
Mi  - 1 SDi  to < Mi + 1 SDi = Average
Mi  - 3 SDi  to < Mi -   1SDi = Low
Mi  = Ideal mean score
SDi = Standard deviation
(Ary et al, 1978, p.140)
In analyzing the obtained data, the following procedure is used. The scores are got from the test as the data  is arranged from the highest to the lowest to obtained the information concerning to the testing of reading comprehension. The study would determines a table of percentage scale and qualification as follows:

Table 2
Percentage Scale and Qualification


The table above table shows that, if the students get 80-100 so the qualification is A, if the students get 70-79 so the qualification is B, if the students get 60-69 so the qualification is C, if the students get 45-59 so the qualification is D, and if the students get 0-44 so the qualification is E.
 Adopted from Depdikbud (in Anjani, 2006, p.28).
2.      Hypothesis Testing
Concerning to the hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) must be changed into null hypothesis (Ho) it is find out on an opinion stated by Arikunto (2998, p.78) hat, in testing hypothesis of the current study, the test utilize as following:

MD = mean differences
D    = individual deviation of MD
N   = number of subject
N-1= degree of freedom of test
(Arikunto, 2002, p.275)


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A.      Background of the Study .................................................... 1
B.       Scope of the Study .............................................................. 3
C.       Statement of the Problem .................................................... 3
D.      Purpose of the Study ........................................................... 4
E.       Significance of the Study .................................................... 4
A.      Reading Skill ................................................................................. 6
1.    General Concept of Reading..................................................... 6
2.    Micro and Macro of Reading.................................................... 8
3.    Reading Comprehensive .......................................................... 9
4.    Factors Influencing of Reading Comprehension.................... 10
B.       Teaching Reading Comprehension.............................................. 13
1.    Teaching Reading of SMA/MA ............................................. 13
2.    Technique of Teaching Reading ............................................. 17
3.    Strategies of Teaching Reading.............................................. 18
4.    The Curriculum Objective of Teaching Reading Skill............ 19
C.       TEXT .......................................................................................... 21
1.    Definition of Text .................................................................. 21
2.    Types of Text ......................................................................... 22
3.    Kind of Text ........................................................................... 24
D.      Narrative Text ............................................................................. 28
E.       Assessing of Reading................................................................... 29
F.        Relevant Study ........................................................................... 31
G.      Theoretical Framework ............................................................... 33
A.  Research Design ..................................................................... 35
B.  Population and Sample ........................................................... 36
1.    Population .......................................................................... 37
2.    Sample ............................................................................... 37
C.  Research Instrument ............................................................... 38
1.    Try out ............................................................................... 39
2.    Validity .............................................................................. 39
3.    Reliability .......................................................................... 39
D.  Technique of Collecting Data ................................................ 40
1.    Pre test ............................................................................... 41
2.    Treatment ........................................................................... 41
3.    Post Test............................................................................. 41
E.   Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 41
1.    Data Description ................................................................ 41                       
2.    Hypothesis Testing ....................................................... ..... 43

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